Centre for Marketing Analytics ; Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy ; View graph of relations. The latest survey by the University of Basel on psychological stress in the second Covid-19 wave has revealed that levels have increased significantly in comparison with the spring of this year. Its task is to coordinate and promote research, teaching and infrastructure for digitisation in the humanities and social sciences. News 14. Receive more information by reading our privacy policy. The themes and content of these events are as diverse as the University itself. Profil Beiträge anzeigen Private Nachricht Artikel anzeigen 17.01.2019. October 2020 City-Stories im Wettbewerb Best of INNOVATION BASEL. Alle News Kontakt It is also a central institution in Switzerland for the theory and practice of the digital humanities and offers a Master's programme and a Doctorate in Digital Humanities. Events, lectures and experiments for teachers, high school students and kids. News & Events There are a lot of interesting things happening at our center! Zwischen Mittelalter und 20. BOOST unterstützt deine Idee und dein Engagement. Home > Research > Activities > Seminar, University of Basel. The Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary institution of the University of Basel. Historische und antiquarische Gesellschaft zu Basel, Online oder Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, Basel, Öffentlicher Vortrag von Bernd Heinzle, Christine Cooper und Thomas Reitmaier, Archäologischer Dienst Graubünden, In der Gemeinde Cazis wurde 1854 die “Kantonale Korrektionsanstalt Realta” eröffnet und für deren Insassen ein eigener Friedhof errichtet. Ort Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus Petersplatz 1, Basel. #SaveLivesWithAI #withoutborders Connecting 200,000 clinicians, technologists and C-suite executives to create a future where AI will revolutionise health Democratising access through our global healthcare projects to ensure all voices are heard – regardless of gender, race or income. More. The Economic Development Baselland , BaselArea.swiss and Impact Hub Basel organized the Swiss Digital Day in Baselland 2018. Smart Search – für intelligente Suche, Relevance Ranking – für qualitative Treffer, Filtering – für top Auswahl, Mini Map – für übersichtliches Arbeiten, Design – für intuitiven Workflow. No events in this location Instruments like this one have applications in areas such as medicine, besides being used […] Es wurden 103 gut erhaltene Körperbestattungen mit einfachen Holzsärgen geborgen. Urban Studies at the University of Basel offers a new platform for understanding the curren planetary transformations, starting from the premise that the world’s urban and environmental challenges call not only for new ways of doing but for new ways of thinking. Menschen mit Hautbeschwerden erhalten über www.hautproblem.ch Zugang zu einer ärztlichen Erstberatung. Daneben zeigen sich bei vielen Skeletten zahlreiche Knochenbrüche in unterschiedlichen Heilungsstadien. The University of Basel was founded in connection with the Council of Basel. The Confucius Institute at the University of Basel closed on 30.9.2020. The Departement of Physics of the University of Basel is a center for international top-level research in the fields of nano and quantum physics, and cosmology and particle physics. Fachgruppe Gender Studies der Universität Basel Masterclass per lecture: CHF 70, Organizer: Related tags. Events Herbstsemester 2020. University of Basel Department of English Nadelberg 6 CH-4051 Basel Switzerland. 172 likes. Dr. Rachel Hevey from the Molecular Pharmacy group explores the role of sugars in the search for new therapeutics. Virtual opening event with keynote lectures. QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. Zudem können Sie eine persönliche Sprechstunde vereinbaren und an Vorlesungen teilnehmen. Herbstsemester 2020. (Source: Bloomberg) The University of Basel was founded in 1460. Uni Info, Medienmitteilungen / 18.12.2020 Universität Basel mit nahezu ausgeglichenem Budget für 2021. Export event as:: CSV RSS-Feed. Der ausserordentliche Bestattungsort bietet die Möglichkeit, unterschiedliche Quellen zu einem wichtigen und sensiblen Kapitel der jüngeren Schweizer Geschichte und zum behördlichen Umgang mit dem Tod miteinander zu verknüpfen, Webseite Basler Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Organizer: Read about it in this interesting article on Sci Five. University of Basel Department of English Nadelberg 6 CH-4051 Basel Switzerland. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to this. Not surprisingly, Basel’s old town contains nearly all the sights that are generally connected with Basel. We use Google Search as our search engine. Geopferte Menschen, zerschlagene Prunkkeramik und mehr… Der ... ABGESAGT: Müslis, Wasserkuren und Wanderferien. The Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT) celebrates its foundation with a conference consisting of two parts. Aktionen: Statistik: Themen: 1; Beiträge: 1; Letzter Beitrag: Alevitische Studierendenverbindung Universität Basel (ASUB) von . Informationsveranstaltung zum Studienangebot auf Bachelorstufe. All types. 28. Ticket. Courses and events. Und wir hören weiterhin zu, um Swisslex für Sie zu verbessern. The ECPM is dedicated to being the leading university institute for medicines and drug development in Europe. Nadja Rohr, Privatdozentin für Rekonstruktive Zahnmedizin, Öffentlicher Vortrag von Andrea Zeeb-Lanz, Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz. Biozentrum Events; Life Science Events Basel; Biozentrum Public Events; Conferences & Symposia; Seminar Series; Past Events; Main Content . The European Law Students' Association . Add all Events to Calendar Events. ONLINE - Mitarbeitenden-Information (Deutsch) Zoom Einladung erfolgt per Mail. With mirrors, lasers and finesse. Zusammenfassungen, Übungs- und Prüfungsdiskussionen sowie alles andere rund ums Studentsein! The Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary institution of the University of Basel. Success. September . März 2021 eine/n Praktikant/in (50%) Kommunikation und Administration Bewerbung bis 11.1.2021. Fg Mewi Uni Basel, Basel, Switzerland. «Wir gratulieren voller Freude und wünschen Nejla alles Gute», schreibt das Unispital Basel in einer Mitteilung. Botond Roska, Professor at the University of Basel and Director of the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB), will receive the Körber European Science Prize for 2020. Das HeK Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel sucht per 01.02.2021 03.12.2019 11:54. Add to Calendars Alex Schier, Marcel Scheiwiller, Roger Jenni. ABGESAGT: Vom «Urgrund unserer Kultur». ELSA Basel. The free University of Basel app provides quick access to key information and services for students, staff and others. Mögliche Ursachen sind Unfälle, Krankheiten oder interpersonelle Gewalt. We focus on dedicated training programs for drug development specialists. Research. Das erste Baby des Jahrs 2021 in der Schweiz ist am 1.1.2021 um 00:00 am Unispital Basel geboren worden. Hochschulpolitik Uni Basel … Events by location. 200+ speakers. The solution was a conference camera from Logitech. It is the oldest university in Switzerland. Medienanfragen Vielseitiges Programm. In recent weeks, the University of Basel has moved teaching to digital channels, switched research to emergency operation, and employees have implemented home office wherever possible. Gemeinsam können wir die Uni Basel nachhaltiger gestalten. (Photo: Universität Basel, Donata Ettlin), Ehemaliger Friedhof der Korrektionsanstalt Cazis/GR, Basler Infotag Bachelor am 7. Due to the corona pandemic, the University of Basel had to redesign its concept for the autumn semester 2020/2021 at short notice. außergewöhnliche Ritualhandlungen abspielten. Feb 2021 – 04. Die ... ABGESAGT: «Was ich schon alles erlebt habe und wie ich es erlebt ... Science und Fiction. Wir wünschen Euch schöne Semesterferien! Due to the corona pandemic, the University of Basel had to redesign its concept for the autumn semester 2020/2021 at short notice. Unmut unter Naturwissenschaftern: Anthroposophen finanzieren Professur an der Uni Basel von Annika Bangerter , Christian Mensch - CH Media 18.7.2019 um 05:00 Uhr On this web page, you can find a preview of our current events. Die letzten Personen, die noch im Tod administrativ versorgt wurden, dürften in den 1910er Jahren verstorben sein. The education … Get involved . Find out about recent developments, awards, interesting publications, upcoming events! It is the oldest university in Switzerland. Information related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Please check the Corona website (of Unibas) to keep up-to-date.. Master's Degree in Sustainable Development MSD. For information about past events and courses please visit the archive website: archive.ciub.ch, valid until 30.9.2023. Januar, vertiefte Einblicke und viele Informationen zu den Studiengängen und -fächern. Kontakt Patricia Eiche, avuba@clutterunibas.ch, Geschäftsführung . Book tickets. Corrupting the Environment. Digital health. Es sind Männer und Frauen, die nicht der damaligen moralischen Norm entsprachen oder finanziell zur Last fielen und deshalb – nicht freiwillig – in der Anstalt untergebracht wurden. 29. Hunderte Menschenskelette – klein fragmentiert; qualitätvolle Keramik – absichtlich zerstört; wertvolle Importfeuersteingeräte – bewusst unbrauchbar gemacht. ; Our research interest focuses on the structure of insulating surfaces, molecular layers on insulating surfaces, nanotribology, and instrumental development of force microscopy. 09:15 - 17:00 ETH Zürich, Auditorium Maximum (HG F 30), Rämistrasse 101, Zürich Nature & Technology. Ab 2022 soll das Restdefizit der Universität Basel nicht mehr hälftig zwischen beiden Basel geteilt werden, sondern gemäss ihrer Steuerkraft. Uni-Talk. Bitte füllen Sie das Anmeldeformular aus, um sich für den Basler Infotag Bachelor zu registrieren. nav.selected Public Events Calendar; Start of page content Events Eventlist. Enter search term. Over the year, the University of Basel organizes many events. In 2016, he successfully completed his habilitation in Philosophy (venia legendi: comparative philosophy) at the University of Zurich. Tel: +41 (0)61 207 27 90 Fax: +41 (0)61 207 27 80 The solution was a conference camera from Logitech. A virtual dialogue series hosted by the Basel Institute on Governance and OECD. The University of Basel was founded in connection with the Council of Basel.The deed of foundation given in the form of a Papal bull by Pope Pius II on November 12, 1459, and the official opening ceremony was held on April 4, 1460. On this web page, you can find a preview of our current events. Das Mädchen heisst Nejla, ist 44 Zentimeter gross und 2440 Gramm schwer. On this page we would like to show you where the University of Basel can support you in coping with your everyday life. Significant increase in psychological stress in the second Covid-19 wave, Uni People / 17 Dec 2020 Event Details FG Gender Studies Uni Basel. Basler Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Aula, Augustinergasse 2, Basel, Öffentliche Habilitationsvorlesung von PD Dr. med. The University Council promoted Professor Nicola Gess for German studies, Professor Martino Poggio for Nanotechnology, Professor Rainer Greifeneder for social psychology, and Professor Sarah Lein for economy, all on 1 August 2020. Uni Research, Press releases / 17 Dec 2020 Student Administration Office of the University of Basel Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel: Late applications : Fall semester 2021: 30 Apr 2021 : from 1 Feb 2021: Master's studies with a degree from a Swiss university, university of applied sciences or university of teacher education: Spring semester 2021 : 30 Nov 2020 late applications until 5 Jan 2021 Chamber Academy Basel. Viele Ihrer Wünsche und Ideen haben wir mit dieser neuen Version von Swisslex verwirklicht. Title: Uni Guide 2020, Author: Universität Basel, Name: Uni Guide 2020, Length: 52 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2020-05-05 . The education … January 06, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 Location : via Zoom. Das ist nur eine Teilbilanz der rätselhaften Funde aus einem Erdwerk, an dessen Gräben sich um 5000 v. Chr. Neben Menschen, die als “liederlich” oder “arbeitsscheu” galten, finden sich auch solche, die als “Irre” bezeichnet wurden. AMG Sonntagsmatinée mit der Chamber Academy Basel Gordan Nikolic, Leitung Béla Bartók Divertimento für Streichorchester Sz. Der Basler Althistoriker ... ABGESAGT: Johann Jakob Bachofens Freund Leonidas Sgoutas – eine ... "... bis endlich der Erbarmer Tod eintrifft und die heimatliche ... Juckreiz: von Adam und Eva zu Virtual Reality, Zahnärztliche Restaurationen - Die Qual der Wahl beim Material. This website uses cookies to collect data from users and improve functionality. Der Vortrag beschreibt die Zusammenhänge und stellt mögliche Intepretationen vor. Connectivity – Plant interactions reloaded. Conferences and events. More Trainings & Events ... Funding FAIR communities A proposal by the Research Data Management network of University of Basel Open science aims at making research findings, methodologies and data available freely to scientists and to the society. Nursing Science, Department Public Health, Swiss TPH. IMPACT opening event: Free but registration required Das Zürcher Theater Spektakel sucht per 1. Produced by. Events, lectures and experiments for teachers, high school students and kids. 02 Dec 2020. uniboard.ch - Das Studentenforum. Basel (1) ... Derma2go kooperiert mit Uni Basel . They either address a broad public or a particular audience, such as, for example, prospective students, current students or staff. All months. But as the volume and complexity of data involved in research continues to grow exponentially, the effort to find, curate and … Basel, Switzerland. Starting on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 we have organized a virtual Implementation Science Masterclass series with contributions from international experts Professor Dr. Leah Zullig (Duke University, USA), Professor Dr. Byron Powell (Washington University, St. Louis, USA) and Dr. Cynthia Vinson. Physicists at the University of Basel have developed a minuscule instrument able to detect extremely faint magnetic fields. Akts werden mit einem kurzen Unterbruch am gleichen Veranstaltungsort vorgetragen; eine kleine Diskussionsrunde schliesst den Anlass. BSCN is a scientific platform bridging the interdisciplinary stem cell community in Basel. Studierenden-Events Uni Basel. Issuu company logo ... aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und Events. Prof. Peter Scheiffele’s team at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, has discovered a new connection between a genetic modification and social difficulties related to autism: A mutation in the neuroligin-3 gene reduces the effect of the “feel good hormone” oxytocin. Masterclass Series (5 sessions): CHF 320 Date 10. Link Uni Basel . Fg English Uni Basel, Basel, Switzerland. Thanks to the location partner, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, the digital innovations of the regions were experienced in state-of-the-art facilities. Fachgruppe Medienwissenschaft The opening event and all masterclasses will be in English. ECPM – The European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine in Basel. Organizer: Other past events organised by BAEL include the MEEP summer school.. To browse other events previously hosted by BAEL, scroll down to the news archive. Organizer: News 02. Nanolino - Meyer Group - Uni Basel - home. Die anthropologischen Analysen offenbaren regelhaft einen schlechten Gebisszustand, ein grosses Ausmass arthrotischer Veränderungen und Krankheiten wie Tuberkulose. Gemeinsam können wir die Uni Basel nachhaltiger gestalten. SC-Uni-Basel-Basket basketball, scores, news, schedule, roster, players, stats, rumors, details and more on eurobasket.com 29. 200,000+ community members. In December 2014, Weber began his work as an Assistant Professor of European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel. Address St. Johanns-Ring 19 Basel 4056 Switzerland Upcoming Events. Haupt- und Kurzreferat des 2. The ECPM comprises an education/training and a research department. asub. Visiting students and Basel-based students are welcome to attend the events. Müller Simon, Privatdozent für Dermatologie, Organizer: Vortragszyklus der Historischen und antiquarischen Gesellschaft zu Basel im Winterhalbjahr 2020/21 zum Thema: "Krieg, Kultur und Technik. Tel: +41 (0)61 207 27 90 Fax: +41 (0)61 207 27 80 The BSCN groups belong to the Faculties of Science and Medicine of the University of Basel, the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI), the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of the ETH-Zürich, and the global pharmaceutical companies Novartis and Roche. University Events. Together with the Erasmus Student Network Basel, the Student Exchange holds events for exchange students. Version History. Welcome to the Nanolino Lab at the Department of Physics, University of Basel! Jetzt Mitglied werden. For more information, visit the Erasmus Student Network Basel website. The University of Basel was founded in 1460. Originally the University of Basel was decreed to have four faculties—arts, medicine, theology, and jurisprudence. Aus den Registern sind die Daten vieler Personen bekannt, die hier verstarben und beerdigt wurden. They either address a broad public or a particular audience, such as, for example, prospective students, current students or staff. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more. The University of Basel, founded in 1460, is the oldest university in Switzerland. The award, worth EUR 1 million, is one of the most prestigious science prizes for researchers in Europe. 449 likes. The Departement of Physics of the University of Basel is a center for international top-level research in the fields of nano and quantum physics, and cosmology and particle physics. Der Online-Infomarkt bietet Ihnen am Donnerstag, 7. mehr. Das erste Baby des Jahrs 2021 in der Schweiz ist am 1.1.2021 um 00:00 am Unispital Basel geboren worden. Public Events. Receive more information by reading our privacy policy. Jahrhundert". Over the year, the University of Basel organizes many events. Medizinische Fakultät, Öffentliche Habilitationsvorlesung von PD Dr. med. Swisslex 5.0 ist da. Several specialized seminars and colloquia are held regularly at the University of Basel. Hochschule für Musik, Klassik. All years. Zum akademischen Mittelbau - sprich zur Gruppierung III der Universität Basel - gehören aktuell rund 2'500 Doktorierende sowie 500 Postdoktorierende. Die Technik kommt vom Zürcher Startup derma2go. Research at Lancaster; Researchers; Departments & Centres; Publications & Outputs; Projects; Activities; Datasets; Accounting and Finance; Associated organisational units. 113 Mehr… AMG Sonntagsmatinée mit der Chamber Academy Basel Gordan Nikolic, Leitung Béla Bartók FAQ Grundstudium ... Herzlichen Dank an alle, die unsere Events im letzten Semester besucht haben! Each Masterclasses will provide a mix of theoretical lectures and practical Swiss examples of implementation science projects, followed by a discussion. Events Date Title Format Venue; 12.01.–15.01.2021 **NEW DATE ** CONFERENCE "The … Nov 2018. 59 likes. The deed of foundation given in the form of a Papal bull by Pope Pius II on November 12, 1459, and the official opening ceremony was held on April 4, 1460. Its task is to coordinate and promote research, teaching and infrastructure for digitisation in the humanities and social sciences. Time 8:00 - 18:00. Das Mädchen heisst Nejla, ist 44 cm gross und 2440 Gramm schwer. This website uses cookies to collect data from users and improve functionality. - Events: Public events at the University of Basel - Lectures: Access to the digital course catalog of the University of Basel - People: Contact information of university members - Library: Access to the catalog of swissbib Basel Bern - Cafeteria: Menu of the week - Campus: Overview of all buildings of the University of Basel and current events . Studentische Vereine der Uni Basel. Significant increase in psychological stress in the second Covid-19 wave. 1 talking about this. Adresse avuba - Assistierendenvereinigung der Universität Basel Petersgraben 45 4051 Basel. Informieren Sie sich am Basler Infotag Bachelor über das vielfältige und umfangreiche Studienangebot der Universität Basel. Veranstalter Kultbeiz Phone +41 123 456 789 Email max@kultbeiz.ch + zum Google Calendar hinzufügen Stadtcasino Basel, Musiksaal. / Research, Info Doctoral Degrees for Sara Stühlinger und Sophie Hersberger The proportion of people with severe depressive symptoms stood at 9% during lockdown in April, but this figure had risen to 18% in November. December 2020 / Info ... Events 02. As a research-intensive university it offers Swiss and international students a broad range of degree programs and excellent conditions for studying at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level. What’s New. Professor Maria Hondele will be the new assistant professor for biochemistry at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. The series launched on 9 December 2020 and features monthly topical sessions in the first half of January 2021. Twitter @CEPS_basel Philanthropie Aktuell Was ist Philanthropie? And yet this district offers much more: world-class museums, shopping delights for individualists of every kind, traditional pubs and new favourites, and a spot – the St. Alban-Tal, also known as the “Little Venice” of Basel – that melts the heart of every romantic. 1 talking about this. We use Google Search as our search engine. The University of Basel was founded in 1460. Bonn Applied English Linguistics hosts a number of recurring events including the annual BAEL conference, a crime week focusing on forensic linguistics, and a research day for PhD students and post-doctoral students. All types. Events Keine Nachrichten verfügbar. Klimawandel schädigt den Wald in Hölstein – und bringt der Uni Basel unerwartete Forschungsdaten von Alexandra von Ascheraden - bz Zuletzt aktualisiert am 19.11.2020 um 13:34 Uhr Universität Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Alte Aula, Augustinergasse 2, Basel. BOOST unterstützt deine Idee und dein Engagement. Lars Müller Publishers sucht per 1.Februar 2021 (oder nach Vereinbarung) einen Volontär oder eine Volontärin im Bereich Marketing/Kommunikation (100%) Bewerbung bis 10.1.2021. Das Unispital Basel optimiert das Patientenhandling. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to this. Emma Hodcroft, Molecular epidemiologist at the University of Basel, discusses second wave of Covid-19 and a new coronavirus variant with Bloomberg's Guy Johnson. Registration for individual Masterclass lectures will be possible until one week before the lecture date. It is the oldest university in Switzerland. A team of researchers at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, has discovered a new connection between a genetic alteration and social difficulties related to autism: A mutation in the neuroligin-3 gene reduces the effect of the hormone oxytocin. December 2020 City-Stories gewinnt den Wettbewerb Best of INNOVATION BASEL. Upcoming training opportunities, conferences and other events by the Basel Institute and partners . 巴塞尔大学孔子学院已于2020年9月30日关闭. Archivalische und statistische Untersuchungen ermöglichten eine teilweise persönliche Identifizierung der Toten. It is the oldest university in Switzerland. Originally the University of Basel was decreed to have four faculties—arts, medicine, theology, and jurisprudence. In the journal “Nature”, the researchers report on a treatment approach that could normalize social behavior in autism. Der gesamte Friedhof konnte 2016 archäologisch untersucht werden. -> Please bring the original transcripts of the Uni Basel which you will receive after completion of courses to the D-BSSE study administration office in Basel (7.08) or send it by letter mail in order to transfer the respective credits to your myStudies account at ETH Zurich. It is also a central institution in Switzerland for the theory and practice of the digital humanities and offers a Master's programme and a Doctorate in Digital Humanities. The University of Basel was founded in 1460. dent. The themes and content of these events are as diverse as the University itself. Januar 2021, Historische und antiquarische Gesellschaft zu Basel. Stay updated and in touch with the goings on at the Seminar, Events, info, and more! Events. Welcome to the FG English page! Uni Info, Medienmitteilungen / 21.12.2020 Offizielle Studierendenzahlen: Erstmals über 13'000 Studierende an der Universität Basel. Registration for the entire Masterclass Series will be possible until 10 January 2021. At the heart of the superconducting quantum interference device are two atomically thin layers of graphene, which the researchers combined with boron nitride. In 2005, the University of Basel broke new ground with the implementation of the unique, specialized Master's Degree in Sustainable Development … The Georg H. Endress Postdoc cluster at the Center for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing (QSQC), embedded within EUCOR – the European campus, is a cross-border collaboration between the University of Basel (Switzerland) and the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg (Germany).. Public Events Calendar . On 22 January 2021, we will spend the morning celebrating the official launch of the Swiss Implementation Science Network, beginning with keynote lectures – the first by Professor Dr. Michel Wensing (University of Heidelberg, Germany), chief editor of the pioneering journal Implementation Science, the second by Dr. Cynthia Vinson, senior advisor for implementation science in the USA’s National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences in Washington, DC.