Please note that we do not offer any Bachelor programs taught in English. Online Courses from the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) Frequently asked questions about the AW Modules Degree-seeking students Exchange students Partner Contact Architecture Faculty Courses Bachelor Architecture Bachelor Building Climate Bachelor Industrial Design Master Architecture Master Building Archaeology Course Structures, Course Descriptions and Course Schemes The AW … )“ an. Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme in einen Masterstudiengang ist der Abschluss eines Bachelor-Studiums oder ein gleichwertiger erster berufsqualifizierender Abschluss. Die fächerübergreifende Zusammenarbeit und der modulare Aufbau ermöglichen dir dabei vielfältige Wahlmöglichkeiten während deines Masterstudiums an der OTH Regensburg. It provides two (full-time) theory semesters which include a project carried out in one of the research facilities of OTH Regensburg, plus one semester for the Master thesis which is usually prepared with the support of a local enterprise active in the chosen field. Please note that we do not offer any Bachelor programs taught in English. Die Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Sozialwissenschaften Regensburg wurde 1971 gegründet. Universität Regensburg offers currently ten English-taught degree programs on master level (see list below). The interdisciplinary cooperation and the modular design of the master program provides you with a multitude of options to fine-tune the program to your professional needs. Die HSD Hochschule Döpfer ist staatlich anerkannt sowie akkreditiert durch: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft . Modules: Mathematical and Stochastic Methods Supply Chain Management Material flow and Factory planning Project and Quality Management Information Systems Purchasing Processes Lean Management SAP Business Processes Design of Production Systems-Cooperative Business Project with OTH Regensburg … Masterstudiengänge an der Universität Regensburg Das Masterstudium ist ein weiterführendes Studium von ca. Germany as an industrial base possesses a high level of development and manufacturing potential in these very fields which have an urgent need for highly qualified university graduates.Graduates in the engineering disciplines with a solid grounding in planning and presentational techniques and a good understanding of business administration are also in great demand. Eine Liste aller Masterstudiengänge, die Sie an der OTH Regensburg studieren können, finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter Studium / Studiengaenge / Master.. Besonders wichtig sind die Informationen, die in der Spalte „Infoblatt“ zu jedem einzelnen Masterstudiengang zusammengestellt sind. Der bundesweit einzigartige Studiengang Geovisualisierung hat die in der Reichspogromnacht 1938 zerstörte Synagoge digital rekonstruiert und eine derzeit einmalige, multimediale und … Regensburg has become a leading centre for sensor technology in Bavaria, with a wide variety of jobs available for highly qualified specialists.This MEng course is offered as a full-time or dual study programme with a standard length of three or four semesters respectively. Über die „Bitte lesen!“-Links kommen Sie zu den Blättern. Mechanical engineer specializing in automotive engineering and Master Student in Automotive & Mobility Management at the Ingolstadt University of Technology. ⏳ online application deadline for the start of the study is 15.01.2021. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Master of Science - MS Master of Applied Research in Engineering Sciences M. Sc. ** Bewerbung im Rahmen der Fristverlängerung möglich, sofern die Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen zum Bewerbungszeitpunkt nachgewiesen werden können. As well as a knowledge of purely technical aspects, it provides an introduction to the kind of method and social skills which are such a vital part of the working environment of today’s business leaders. 12/21/2020. Students completing the course will have sound technical expertise, a solid grounding in business administration, a command of presentational and planning skills and an adequate knowledge base on which to perform management tasks. One key area in the choice of subjects is that of ‘Sensors’ as it plays such a prominent part in our region. Course graduates will be able to assume management responsibilities as well as performing purely technical tasks.We address the increasing internationalisation of the world of work by encouraging students to gain experience of working abroad and with courses that are held in English. The University of Regensburg, founded in 1962, is located on a modern campusat the southern edge of a historic city dating back to the Roman Ages. OTH Regensburg, with its excellent reputation both in Germany and internationally, is committed to providing the right environment for your studies. Universität Regensburg is closed from 24 December 2020 until 6 January 2021. The trend is towards complex microsystems or compact controllers which are installed directly on the process with their sensors and actuators. Rede und Gespräch, persönliches Auftreten, Stimme sowie Kommunikation und Führung prägen das anwendungsorientierte Studium. In the Foundation course catalogue you will start by building a basis for an interdisciplinary understanding of the parallel subject. 2020 – 2021. Die meisten Inhalte sind sehr sinnvoll und praxisorientiert und der interdisziplinäre Ansatz bereichernd. Read more ↗ More. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Bachelor of Arts - … Campus . Reads . regensburg@ Sprechzeiten: Montag – Donnerstag: 8 – 14 Uhr Freitag: 8 - 13 Uhr. Kooperationen mit 265 Unternehmen aus der Region Regensburg ermöglichen eine Vielfalt an dualen Studiengängen und praxisorientiertem Studium. Deutschlandstipendium an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal. Universität Regensburg offers currently ten English-taught degree programs on master level (see list below). Physics can then be considered the basis for all natural sciences and the bearing structure of any modern technological development. Hochschule für katholische Kirchenmusik & Musikpädagogik Regensburg. Das bedeutet, dass Sie auch ohne Abitur in Regensburg studieren können, wenn: Sie Meister/in sind oder einen gleichwertigen Fortbildungsabschluss besitzen. Master programs in Chemistry, Mathematics and Nanoscience are partly taught in English. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Postfach 12 03 27 93025 Regensburg Germany For further questions, visit the OTH Regensburg website or contact this e-mail address. Alle Informationsblätter beziehen sich auf diese Bewerbungsfristen! 3. Das Studentenamt und das International Office können Ihnen nur Fragen zu der Form Ihrer Bewerbung beantworten. OTH Regensburg. Note. The Master thesis semester is prepared at the host company in the fourth semester. Alle Infos zu Elektromobilität und Energienetze an der Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Ranked as the 4th. What should I study? Aside from expanding your technical knowledge, you will gain experience in methodological and social competences – skills that are a vital part of the work environment of today’s executive managers. Künstlerische und künstlerisch-pädagogische Ausbildung. Master Thesis: The Influence of National Cultures on Cybersecurity Strategies: A Comparative Case Studies analysis of the UK and Italy’s Cybersecurity Postures. Ja, das gibt es: Die Hochschule Emden/Leer. Interested in complete vehicle testing, advanced driver assistance systems and future-oriented mobility, especially alternative drive technologies and e-mobility. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu Bewerbung, Zulassung und Immatrikulation. Dublin City University Dublin City University Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (Semester 2) 2018 – 2019. Master Advanced Nursing Practice Master Social Work - Inclusion and Exclusion Bachelor Dual Care Bachelor Nursing Management (part-time) Contact International. Master Betriebswirtschaft - Marketing Master European Business Studies Master Logistics Master Digital Entrepreneurship ... By clicking on the 'OK-button' you are leaving the pages of the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg and are forwarded to the external website "Instagram" (only in German language). SoSe = Sommersemester: Studienbeginn 15.03. Our degree programmes are about more than just learning, they are about personality forming and developing a sense of independence, empowerment, a sense of solidarity and your ability to work in a team. Students can select their subjects from three different catalogues, “Foundation”, “Consolidation” and “Interdisciplinary”, titles which indicate the orientation of the subjects they contain. See Homepage ZSK link ! English Linguistics. Master of Arts - MA International Affairs. n.n.b. Im Förderjahr 2020/2021 können erneut herausragende Studierende der Hochschule Rhein-Waal durch das Deutschlandstipendium … Master programs in Chemistry, Mathematics and Nanoscience are partly taught in English. Interkulturalitätsmanagement an der Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Master of Arts. Hier finden Sie Studiengänge an der Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg für Ihre Suche nach dem passendem Studium als Listenansicht. The degree program is characterized by linking cutting edge theoretical and empirical research as well as by the many different possibilities for specialization. The disciplines of Design and Technology which overlap particularly with complex systems call for consummate skills in both electrical engineering and physical technology.This is an innovative sector in which huge numbers of developments are currently taking place, from medical engineering through communications to automotive engineering. Graduates of the MEng course will bring these general skills and abilities with them to the workplace.Industry’s interest in specialists in the interfaces between electrical engineering, mechatronics and microsystems engineering is clearly reflected in the large numbers of positions advertised in the national press or in the many enquiries which our departments receive directly from industry and scientific establishments.Qualification ProfileThe course is configured to allow students to mix and match their own study profile in line with the needs of the employment market. Please inform yourself at the university about its special application procedure. Our Master Programme in Physics The main goals of Physics are to gain a deep understanding of the universe at its most fundamental levels and to extend such knowledge to more complicated systems ranging from the subatomic to the cosmological scale. zwei bis vier Semestern Dauer. Die acht Fakultäten der bayrischen Bildungseinrichtung können ein ansehnliches Studienangebot mit über 20 innovativen und internationalen Bachelor- Master Studiengängen vorweisen. Online Courses from the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) Frequently asked questions about the AW Modules Degree-seeking students Exchange students Partner Contact Architecture Faculty Courses Bachelor Architecture Bachelor Building Climate Control Bachelor Industrial Design Master Architecture Master Building Archaeology Dual cooperative study option The AW Programme Advice for Students … About . From the Consolidation and Interdisciplinary course catalogues you can then make a largely personal choice of subject which will enable you to deepen and broaden your subject knowledge while promoting personality development and the acquisition of management knowledge and skills. Dies ist der Internetauftritt der Hochschule Fulda. Publications 3. Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Master of Science - MS Electrical and Microsystem Engineering. HRM Master Hochschule Regensburg: Servus miteinander, ich mache momentan meinen Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftspädagogik) an der … – Studis Online-Forum 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Betriebswirtschaft (berufsbegleitend) (WBW), Nach der Bearbeitung erhalten Sie eine Eingangsbestätigung per E-Mail. Contact. About. Prospective students can submit their applications for our master’s degree programmes and the bachelor’s degree in Environment and Energy, B.Sc. This master program is being offered at OTH Regensburg as a postgraduate study course by the faculties of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology and General Sciences & …