It didn't help me ovulate any earlier but I did conceive on my 2nd cycle of these after 8 months of trying! The Dos and Don'ts of Vitex for Period Problems Vitex may influence hormone levels in a number of ways. share. How Vitex regulates your cycle | Ingefleur Fertility Homeopath If before Vitex your days between ovulation and your period are less than after taking Vitex, then it has likely helped you have a longer luteal phase. vitex+dong quai?? | BabyandBump Specifics on how much vitex to take and when to take it during your cycle are best prescribed by a practitioner who can evaluate your situation. How long does chasteberry take to work? I did continue taking vitex during those 7 weeks of pregnancy, but stopped the vitex during the course of the miscarriage itself. I dose Vitex consistently, all month long, not just in the second half of the menstrual cycle. I take Herbal Select brand 450mg/day. I took vitex regularly for several months along with diet changes with hopes of improving fertility (I have diagnosed PCOS and hypothyroidism) - and, I finally did get pregnant but miscarried at 7 weeks. Boosts progesterone levels . Did your o day change on Vitex? Women can get a test done before taking this medication to ensure that they can take it without complications. My cycles were regular at 35days to the minute and apart from one headache 1day before my period i never experienced pms symptoms. Vitex is also well tolerated and can be taken for long periods of time (up to 18 months or longer). But from the first month taking it, I noticed some light spotting during the luteal phase - nothing which really worried me. Vitex may help progesterone and estrogen levels. First month back on Vitex: pregnant --> miscarried. It is best to take it on an empty stomach and with water. However, it is a strong herb, and you should always seek advice from a medical professional before starting any new supplement protocol. Vitex is a fantastic herb for fertility, helping with a range of issues such as PMS, low progesterone, lack of ovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, lack of a menstrual cycle, acne, and so much more. Keep in mind that Vitex can take up to 3 months to be fully effective. Ive been taking vitex since CD 5 or 6 (this is my first month on vitex), I'm already past O now by a few days. Vitex offers many benefits but requires patience and consistency of use. I read you recommend to take it from the 5 day of the period. Research suggests that taking vitex agnus-castus three times daily from the first daily of menstruation until day 8 of the cycle for four cycles reduces bleeding caused by an intrauterine device. If, on the other hand, you test Vitex without charting and your cycles lengthen then it could also be because you were not ovulating at all before due to high prolactin levels, and now you are. Generally, "Naturopathy Digest" reports that the German Commission E -- a governmental regulatory agency that may be compared to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- recommends 40 mg dried vitex . save. Vitex History & Interesting Facts. 2 . Before my ovulation and up till today I have been taking Vitex. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 97 women with symptoms of cyclic mastalgia found that treatment with chasteberry extract significantly reduced pain intensity by the end of one menstrual cycle. Research suggests that taking vitex agnus-castus three times daily from the first daily of menstruation until day 8 of the cycle for four cycles reduces bleeding caused by an intrauterine device. Depending on the dose, Vitex may have very different effects. First month on Vitex: pregnant --> miscarried. The reason is because I feel like I have a progesterone issue (I had it very low when I was 16, and during my second miscarriage). Warms the body . Read on to find about vitex for fertility along with health benefits, side-effects and more. 8 The reduction continued to increase throughout the second menstrual cycle, and at the end of both the first and second cycle, women in the treated group were doing better . I started taking Gaia Vitex for the purpose of controlling PMS (bloating, cramping, mood swings) and the possibility of having less bleeding during my cycle. I began taking again after my D&C and became pregnant (2nd month again) I took vitex 1200mg through first trimester-and then 400mg per day up until the day I delivered my son. I am confused.. i am seeing a naturopath who has prescribed me vitex herb with wild yam tonic. Zazzee Naturals - Organic Vitex You do not want to take Vitex during your cycle, but continue after your period ends. This indirectly increases progesterone production and helps regulate the menstrual cycle. I just started taking the herb one week prior to starting my IVF cycle, When i asked the naturopath if i could continue to take it while taking the hormone stimulating hormones he said, of course i can, that in fact they will help with the quality of my eggs because vitex stimulates the pituitary gland. In respect to this, what does Vitex do to hormones? Vitex agnus-castus, also known as chasteberry, chaste tree berry, or monk's pepper, is a small deciduous tree native to the Mediterranean and Western Asia. It is important that if vitex/chaste berry is used for treatment of these, that the dosage or compound has been positively reviewed by many users. Chaste tree berry (aka vitex) Helps to lengthen the luteal phase. For best results, Pure Encapsulations recommends taking one capsule a day, with or between meals. This indirectly increases progesterone production and helps regulate the menstrual cycle. The vitex species are deciduous shrubs. Infertile women with amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) can remain on vitex for 12 to 18 months, unless pregnancy occurs during treatment. But it . I take 1200mg a day (400mg pills, 2 in the am, 1 in the pm). Okay, so my last cycle was 29 days, my period lasted 6 days and today is day 10 of my cycle and my Lh peaked on my ovulation tester. 7. For example, it's said to promote the release of luteinizing hormone and, in turn, increase levels of progesterone (a hormone known to play a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle). It's also useful during the menstruating years when getting off the pill, following the birth of a baby, during bouts of PMS, or whenever the hormonal system is a bit wacky. * Vitex also increases natural progesterone secretion through feedback mechanisms to the hypothalamus, helping balance ovarian function. Low doses of Vitex have resulted in decreased estrogen levels and increased progesterone and prolactin levels—possibly caused by an inhibition of the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH . Vitex has also been used to treat non steroid related gyno with excellent results. They also found an increased incidence of pregnancy among the women taking the vitex for five months. Also it reduced my period cycle from 32-38 days to 22 days and my period during the third month taking vitex last 3 weeks in a row, that is the reason I decided to stop using it. I am planning to stay on it throughout my first trimester. I literally started it yesterday so any advice appreciated! I did take Clomid this month and started on day 4 of my cycle. For example, it's said to promote the release of luteinizing hormone and, in turn, increase levels of progesterone (a hormone known to play a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle). In one study, women with PMS took Vitex agnus-castus during three consecutive menstrual cycles. Vitex does not contain hormones. [3] The fruit (berry) of this tree has traditionally been used for addressing complaints related to female hormones and menstruation. Last night I tested and it showed low (my doctor recommended Clear Blue Ovulation tester, which shows low, high and peak). Vitex may trigger a number of side effects including; bleeding between menstrual periods, dry mouth, hair loss, headache, itching, mild digestive upset, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and skin rash. It can grow 10 to 15 feet tall and has lots of stems, so it's actually more like a tree. Cyclic mastalgia. I had the hormonal IUS (Mirena) for over a decade and after having it removed I have had 24 day cycles with only 2 fertile days using OPK (one flashing smiley one solid smiley). Should I take it everyday or should I skip the days of my period? Vitex is sold as a single herb or in combination with other herbs as part of a fertility formula. hide. Difficulty in becoming pregnant (infertility). Pure Encapsulations suggests that using vitex may support a positive mood during the menstrual cycle and promotes healthy menstrual regularity and reproductive system function. Or should I just take it during luteal phase? - Vitex may help the body by promoting ovulation to occur which in turns boosts progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the cycle. Vitex increases luteinizing hormone (LH) which promotes ovulation, in turn boosting progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the cycle. Vitex may trigger a number of side effects including; bleeding between menstrual periods, dry mouth, hair loss, headache, itching, mild digestive upset, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and skin rash. The most common variety of vitex used medicinally is chaste tree, which produces chasteberry (Vitex agnus-catus), a small brown berry fruit about the size of peppercorn. Vitex takes a while to regulate - can be 2-3 cycles. Vitex appears to be generally well tolerated with few side effects. 12 months of vitex: no luck, have moved on to meds. Mar 20, 2021 at 8:18 AM. I started take a prenatal vitamin with vitex by Eu naturals. I felt exactly the same as when I started takin. If you have a short luteal phase with low progesterone levels, it is a good idea to use progregerone creams to boost progesterone during the luteal phase of your ovulation cycle along with taking Vitex agnus castus throughout your cycle. Vitex also keeps prolactin secretion in check. Take for 3-6 months to see results. In total, 93 percent of those given vitex reported a decrease in PMS symptoms, including: depression . I also do weekly fertility acupuncture sessions (although TCM is not recommended during injectible IUI cycles). As vitex agnus castus has been shown to support progesterone production, vitex may be suggested as a treatment for menstrual cycle imbalances, luteal phase defect, and possibly PCOS (as normalized progesterone levels and cycle regularity may suppress the development of ovarian cysts associated with estrogen dominance). Useful for women who have cycles shorter than 28 days. In a regular cycle, it's LH's job to tell the ovary to produce progesterone after ovulation. It was really scary. Vitex works by encouraging the body's own production of progesterone, not by providing progesterone directly. I only take it after ovulation up to a few days before my period. I had stopped it for AF and then resumed it when done (this wasn't planned, it just worked out that way). Vitex may influence hormone levels in a number of ways. Ginger. I'm on my first full cycle of Vitex (started taking it midway through last cycle but after o) and have heard a lot of stories if it shifting ovulation by a few days. If you break during your flow, you can continue to take it up to a year, then give yourself a 3-month break. But it . Yesterday I got bfp at ~3w3d. [3] Historically, monks sworn to celibacy would chew . If, on the other hand, you test Vitex without charting and your cycles lengthen then it could also be because you were not ovulating at all before due to high prolactin levels, and now you are. Any idea of what is going on. Vitex contains many estrogen-like compounds that have an impact on the menstrual cycle. report. Out of everything, I would say the vitex has produced the most improvement in my cycle, as prior to incorporating vitex I had a 9-day Luteal Phase and it has since extended to 12 days (which can sustain implantation). 6 . Vitex also blocks prolactin secretion in women with excessive levels of this hormone; excessive levels of prolactin can lead to breast tenderness and failure to ovulate. Vitex and Progesterone Cream by: Maria Gioia Atzori It is best not to take Vitex and progesterone cream at the same time, but it is fine to take Vitex and progesterone cream during the same menstrual cycle. Answer: There are two schools of thought on how to take Vitex. The medication should be taken during the last phase of the cycle, that is, the period between ovulation and the next menstrual cycle. #8 fertilesoul, Oct 16, 2011. I'm just wondering what people's experiences have been? My Instagram: tried taking the Vitex herb and it was a bit of a disaster. Vitex works with the hypothalamus and pituitary glands by influencing hormonal balance. Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) is a plant used in herbal medicine. Use of vitex should be avoided by pregnant or nursing women. If you are taking Vitex capsules, the recommended dose is 300mg 2-3 times a day. It works mainly by its ability to influence certain hormone levels in your body. It was suggested i take vitex from day 12 of my cycle to increase my l.p. After 2 miscarriages 3 cycles apart. Vitex (also called chaste tree berry and monk's pepper) is an herb used for thousands of years in Greece and Italy to promote fertility and balance hormones. Vitex can be taken during the first half of the month beginning after the period is ended until ovulation. Vitex, also known as Vitex Agnus-castus, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm or Monk's Pepper, is perhaps one of the best fertility herbs available to us when it comes to balancing hormones and regulating menstrual cycles. You can get Hormone Complex by NSI, and Vitex by NSi at for a very affordable price. I started 1000mg right after my period ended in April 2017, but after 2wks dropped my dosage to 500mg (thought I should start low then increase if need). Did your o day change on Vitex? Doctors typically suggest 40 drops of a liquid, concentrated vitex extract or 35-40 mg of the equivalent dried, powdered extract to be taken once per day in the morning with some liquid. Vitex is a herb used since ancient times in order to cure women's ailments such as hormonal imbalances and in improving fertility. Simply so, should I take Vitex during my period? However, it is not currently recommended during pregnancy. Helps clear gas and bloating The benefits of vitex stem from its actions upon the pituitary gland—specifically on the production of a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH). Since vitex works by correcting hormonal imbalances, it is not a fast-acting drug but a long-term remedy. 0. After starting it mid-cycle, I got my period 7 weeks later, to the day. As you said it is not for every body. Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) is a plant used in herbal medicine. This phase should typically last 12-14 days to allow fertilisation. Increasing secretion of luteinising hormone to stimulate ovulation - ovulation is necessary in order to become pregnant. * In turn, this effect helps support a healthier menstrual cycle. Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) is a large shrub native to the Mediterranean and Asia. Increase progesterone. I did take Clomid this month and started on day 4 of my cycle. Increase progesterone levels for optimal fertility. Vitex agnus-castus is used for conditions related to the menstrual cycle such as breast pain (mastalgia), premenstrual syndrome , and more severe PMS symptoms (premenstrual dysphoric disorder or . In studies participants supplemented with vitex for as long as 3-5 months before measuring results. For the woman who has normal luteinizing hormone levels and high prolactin levels, they can take Vitex. And finally take smaller doses after delivery for milk production. I'm guessing mine probably won't shift too much as it's usually cd 15 of a regular 27 day cycle - so not far it can go, I'm guessing. Hi all, I'd like to hear about other people's experiences with Vitex. until now I took it from 2 day of period and *stop taking it at day I ovulated* (and start take again at the 2nd day of period) because I was afraid it can hurt pregnancy if I got pregnant when I ovulated . I've been taking vitex (agnus cactus) for the last 4 months as I believed it to be a 'fertility booster' - especially to help build up progesterone levels. Hi Megan, I am also taking Vitex. 6 . Progesterone supports the pregnancy up until this point and then the placenta takes over. Vitex helps to balance hormonal symptoms through the menopausal transition, including hot flashes, sleeplessness, and heavy bleeding (flooding). Vitex agnus-castus or Chasteberry is a natural remedy used to relieve symptoms of menopause and PMS, as well as improve female fertility, balance hormones, and stabilize menstrual cycles. It has been shownn to be effective in reducing PMS, PMDD symptoms, regulating periods, and normalize cycle length, as well as improving fertility. Great article. You do not want to take Vitex during your cycle, but continue after your period ends. Lengthening short luteal phase - Vitex may help the body by promoting ovulation to occur, which in turns boosts progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the cycle. The Vitex aids in increasing your progesterone so it makes sense to keep taking it until then slowly decreasing your dose and then finally stopping at 12 weeks. - Vitex may help to stabilise the cycle and induce ovulation more quickly. You can take up to 1600mg a day of Vitex, I would start with 800 then gradually move to 1600 to see how your body takes to it. Vitex (chaste berry) Vitex — also called chaste berry — is known for supporting natural progesterone production, healthy estrogen levels, and hormonal balance. Knowing if Vitex is working for you The fruit and seed are used to make medicine.Vitex agnus-castus is commonly taken by mouth for conditions related to the menstrual cycle such as premenstrual syndrome and a more severe form called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Vitex is thought to reduce breast tenderness at menses because of its ability to reduce elevated levels of the hormone, prolactin. Research suggests that taking vitex agnus-castus three times daily from the first daily of menstruation until day 8 of the cycle for four cycles reduces bleeding caused by an intrauterine device. This is important as a short luteal phase can be indicative of conception issues in the future (or currently if you're trying to conceive). Specific capsules (Agnolyt, Madaus AG, Cologne, Germany) containing 3.5-4.2 mg of vitex agnus-castus extract has been taken daily on days 16-35 over three menstrual cycles. In the past, Vitex was enough to get me to ovulate. Remember vitex stimulates your pituitary gland just to function properly and keep hormones balanced. Work your way up to 90 drops a day if 60 is not doing enough after 3 months. Vitex has been shown to help re-establish normal balance of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle. I'm just wondering what people's experiences have been? Do you take vitex everyday? Difficulty in becoming pregnant ( infertility ) . I just started taking Vitex this cycle too, along with Dong Quai and Evening Primrose oil. Last night I tested and it showed low (my doctor recommended Clear Blue Ovulation tester, which shows low, high and peak). Take in tincture or capsule form daily during this phase. * Here are just some areas Vitex is believed to support:* 1. Some of these people have used Vitex to cure the gyno after their cycle. Okay, so my last cycle was 29 days, my period lasted 6 days and today is day 10 of my cycle and my Lh peaked on my ovulation tester. This phase should typically last 12-14 days to allow fertilisation. Hello, I take vitex 40 drops first in the morning with half glass of water. I'm on my first full cycle of Vitex (started taking it midway through last cycle but after o) and have heard a lot of stories if it shifting ovulation by a few days. Hi Hethir, I have been taking vitex for 3 weeks now and I am on day 35 of my cycle, am I supposed to stop taking the vitex on a certain day so my period will start. - spotting! is a plant used in herbal medicine, helping balance ovarian function production and helps the. To find about Vitex for fertility along with health benefits, side-effects and.... Health benefits, side-effects and more get pregnant to get me to ovulate regulate the menstrual cycle 3-5 months measuring. 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