The longer period of pomegranate storage and the development of new tech-nologies offer a much higher marketing flexibility for pro- The total investment on land, development, equipment and cultivation over the period of 10 years will be approximate 91 crores and the entire cost will be recovered within 10 years and will start fetching returns. Table 2018-2023 Global Supply and Consumption of Pomegranate Juice Pomegranate cultivation requires less water as this is a drought tolerant crop. Making a profit growing apples in Minnesota (or anywhere else) requires intense management, from variety selection through planting, training, controlling pests, thinning fruit, harvesting, handling, and marketing. 63 % of total peach production was marketed in wholesale markets. Pomegranate Farming, Harvesting and Processing ... India stands second after china in production of fruits. Pomegranate has three main flowering and fruiting seasons or bahars, ambebahar (spring season flowering), Maharashtra contributes 90% of the country's total pomegranate production. But unfortunately growers get less profit due Depending on its environment, pomegranate is a small, deciduous or semi-deciduous shrubby tree, growing 5–8 metres tall. More than 95% of farmer uses the traditional farming technique in India. Pomegranate Nutritional information fetched in the below table. Hence pomegranate cultivation is increasing in Dhule study region. The study was carried out to analyze the cost and returns in pomegranate cultivation and efficiency of marketing channels in Chitradurga district, Karnataka State, India. This sector is contributing nearby 33.6% to the GDP (MoAD, 2014). 1.4 2.Pomegranate Planting System. the production cost for of month is 45Rs, where market chain gains 56 Rs. Essay # 1. The Government of Jharkhand has also started promoting the papaya cultivation among the tribal farmers under the different State and Centrally Sponsored Schemes during last 2 Years. Proposed Profit & Loss Account 9. To maximize the production as well as profit to the grower. Cost of Cultivation / Production & Related Data Select Year 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Manual on Cost of Cultivation Surveys Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Another crop with high commercial value, many countries like the UAE, Bangladesh, and other European countries imports the fruit from India, which also happens to be the largest pomegranate producing country in the world, thereby expanding the scope for commercial cultivation of the fruit in India. Accoridng to the data published by National Horticulture Board of India there is a undersized decrease in the area of pomegranate cultivation in India from 109.00 thousand ha in 2008-09 to 107.00 thousand ha in 2010-11; similarly, the production has decreased from 807.00 thousand tons to 743.00 thousand tons during the same period. 2. Pomegranate cultivation Hi ! Proposed Repayment of Term loan and Schedule 10. With the export market for pomegranates picking up, farmers across Maharashtra are switching to the fruit, which is more remunerative than grapes. It is cultivated in an area of 43,151 ha with a total production of 4, 31,510 tonnes producing about 85% of the total Indian production, thereby leading in Pomegranate production in the country. - Daman, Dand, and Arghandab districts were selected by considering their … The alluring monetary return per … However, the productivity is only 6.57 t/ha, which is significantly low as compared to other pomegranate growing countries like Spain and the USA.The lack of awareness on scientific Pomegranate is one of the commercial fruit crops of India. 858 Study Problem: The study investigates the problem of the deteriorating revenues from pomegranate in production regions due to higher production costs, which led to lower average income to producers and failure to compete The cost of the equipment and facilities may vary depending on the location and dimensions of the site. 100. Average peach production ha-1 and tree were determined to be 16,848 kg and 37.7 kg. The pomegranate serves as both a fruit crop and an ornamental and is well suited to the soils and climate of southern Nevada (Robison, 1981). This is a high-value crop and has export potential. hydroponic farming cost and profit – estimation of cost in hydroponic farming: An example estimate for farming tomatoes in a hydroponic greenhouse (3072 square feet) set up is given here. Moreover, horticulture 500 . Farmers having cultivable land are eligible for a loan from the State Bank of India up to Rs 1, 00,000 (100% cost of the project) and if the amount is above Rs 1,00,000 then 75-85% of the project cost is given as a loan. in this study are those considered typical for growing pomegranates in the San Joaquin Valley, but they will not apply to every situation. It is native to Iran (Persia).Pomegranate is known as a drought tolerant crop, yet regular irrigation is mandatory to commercial yield production.Water levels and optimal irrigation regime depend on a plurality of factors as soil type, tree size, physiological phase and potential evaporation.As a rule … Labor costs, however, can be measured in different ways. Increasing demand for pomegranate products such as pomegranate powder, pomegranate juice, functional beverages, as well as It is more beneficial economically as you have once started its farming, […] 70,000 to 75000/- Now, I have a house of 50 lakhs as well as Bolero vehicle and 2 acres of land. Methods of growing Pomegranate. INTRODUCTION Agriculture has become a way of life for 65.6% of the people in Nepal. About 600 g of bar is needed for one jar of jam. One example: at Canyon Hills Treatment Facility, a for-profit RF in North Carolina, at least one-third of residents lost weight after they were admitted for treatment. Afaf Zaki Othman et al/International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(5),pp 857-869. it earned maximum profit vis a vis cost requirement, 82% cultivate as it required less water, 85% cultivate because of availability of government scheme [3](Table 3) . Growing Pomegranate in Pots. Add to Inquiry Basket Download Page as PDF. 2. Pomegranate seeds are also used in salads and sometimes as garnish for desserts. maintenance cost in pomegranate orchards: An economic analysis In their research paper they did the investigation on the investment pattern in pomegranate orchard and to compute the costs and returns in pomegranate cultivation. 1.1 Introduction to Pomegranate Farming. Plantation agriculture is that branch of commercial farming which deals with crops grown with an aim of profit. Then the plants will be provided with the most important fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium. Report includes feasibility report, … Overview. 3. Provided that when all factors are favourable; They developed robust market links with sellers all over the country. Avocado Farming, Process and Profit About Avocado Fruit Farming. 2. Today, we are into the discussion of profitable Chilli farming. So, we advice our growers to adopt this technique to get better profit and control soil erosion as well as costing of cultivation. Pomegranate seeds are also used in salads and sometimes as garnish for desserts. Origin and History of Pomegranate: The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a common table fruit and is very much liked for its refreshing juice, which has a high medicinal value. Keywords: better way, pomegranate, net profit, cost-c, gross returns Introduction Horticulture is better way for economic development. The Farm sells the pomegranates at the rate of Rs 100 per kg and earns almost Rs 10 lakh per year for the same. Pomegranate Farming Project Report, Cost and Profit Analysis are done according to the market condition. Production as well as cost of cultivation has been minimizing greatly. INTRODUCTION Pomegranate (Punica granatum L) cultivation today is a highly lucrative and remunerative agriculture business in India. RELATED: Earn six million on one acre under grafted tree tomato. Less than 1.25% of world production is in the southern hemisphere (predominantly South America and South Africa), and Australia only produces 2% of that 1.25%. The farmers were divided into three groups, according to the size of pomegranate orchards, Viz. It is similar in taste to hot mustard or … Top in the list ofpomegranate largest producers is Iran. The cost of planting material (200 plants per acre) works out to Rs.4.0 thousand @ Rs.20.0 per plant. One with good farm management skilled, proper care & management can achieve a good profit by farming Banana. Sample costs and returns to cultivate pomegranates in southern Nevada are presented here to Propagation by cuttings is common and cuttings should be taken from suckers which spring from the base of the main stem and should be mature about 20 cm to 30 cm in length and … Krishi Jagran brings you the latest news on Agriculture. Farmers in Spain have in the recent years shown impressive farming trends that continue to increase production of pomegranate in the country. It is estimated that in the past two years, the fruit production has increase by up to 20%. The flowers are … Successful pomegranate cultivation is essentially dry and semi-arid weather, where cold winter and high dry summer quality enables fruit production. A distance of 4-5 meters is preserved in the event of very light soils. Rather than gaining weight, as would be developmentally typical for the growing bodies of adolescents, children at for-profit RFs report losing weight. The hardy nature, low maintenance cost, high yields, better keeping quality and survival without irrigation make pomegranate cultivation a paying proposition. Wasabi (Japanese: ワサビ, わさび, or 山葵, pronounced ; Eutrema japonicum or Wasabia japonica) or Japanese horseradish is a plant of the family Brassicaceae, which also includes horseradish and mustard in other genera.A paste made from its ground rhizomes is used as a pungent condiment for sushi and other foods. Pomegranate farming is a highly profitable business.Pomegranates are among the best and healthiest fruits on Earth. Therefore, the cost price of the fan = (100/93)*465 = Rs. 80 and selling price = Rs. Pomegranate story. Break Even Analysis with yearly earnings/profits of Rs. Pomegranate cultivation and growth rate is higher in the study region, it is due to the proitability of pomegranate crop. Within Maharashtra, production of Pomegranate is mainly concentrated in the Western Per hectare establishment cost is worked out to ` 87421.07. Overall, the proposition of growing pomegranate crop was highly profitable as revealed by the financial feasibility tests. The land yields 4 tonnes of fruit after 3 years, which is sold @ Rs 70 -100/kg: Rs 2, 90,240.00.1 ton = 907.185 kg, The profit of Pomegranate farming is: Rs (2, 90,000 – 2, 61,000): Rs 29,240. natural sites for pomegranate cultivation.” Key words : pomegranate, soil type, yield, cost benefit ratio, profitability. Prepit's cost calculator helps businesses become more profitable, save time and find peace of mind. Among these fruits, Pomegranate is one of the highest grown fruits of India with about 2,20,000 ha area under pomegranate cultivation and the production ranging approximately 15,00,000 tons. production aspects of pomegranate in India. Introduction Northeastern portion of Nashik district is popular for production of pomegranate fruits covers Kalwan, Satana, Malegaon, Deola, Nandgaon and Chandwad tehsils. If farmers are adopting intensive horticulture, then a distance of 5 to 3 meters is fine while planting the garden. However, 17 % and 2 % of peaches Compared to other fruits, Pomegranate contains a wide range of beneficial plant compounds that may have numerous benefits for your body, like lowering risk in various diseases. The distance between plants relies on the sort of climate and soil. ... gave 2.30 time higher yield and 2.44 times more profit than normal density of 400 plants(5x5m). These lower costs reduce the production cost and increase profit margin. Pomegranate plants can tolerate frost to some extent and may be considered drought-tolerant. Performance, adoption, income, cost of cultivation and B: C ratio Introduction Pomegranate belongs to the Punicaceae family is a very popular sub- tropical fruit, native to Persia (Iran) and is one of the commercially important fruit crops of India (Holland et al., 2009). Cost of Cultivation (Rs.31.40 thousand): Land preparation and planting operations will involve 300 days of manual labour, the cost of which will come to Rs.8.8 thousand. Soil and Climate requirement for Pomegranate. Pomegranate farming is growing rapidly in recent years. With the export market for pomegranates picking up, farmers across Maharashtra are switching to the fruit, which is more remunerative than grapes. Worldwide "Pomegranate Market" Report 2021 2025 gives the market size, Price, Revenue, edge of benefit and Market Share, Pomegranate Sales, … The internal rate of return was found to be In the range of 57-59 per cent which was much higher compared to the cost of capital (9. India is one of the largest producers of pomegranate, followed by Iran, the United States, Turkey, Spain and Israel. These lower costs make pomegranates an ideal crop for small farms, as well as large farms. As he says, he can give birth to plants as well 3 of the 5kg, and that it depends a lot on agricultural techniques and cultivation. This publication is intended as a guide for potential growers interested in pomegranate production, as pomegranates are becoming highly marketable. INTRODUCTION Pomegranate (Punica granatum L) cultivation today is a highly lucrative and remunerative agriculture business in India. Commercial production starts within 3 years in pomegranate plantation and lasts up to 30 years. This is a high-value crop and has export potential. Pomegranate Farming is the best business for the farmers to earn more and more profit. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is one of the important commercial fruit. But the current earnings season has shown that, broadly speaking, companies are still highly profitable. The roots are very sensitive to water logging and even short periods of flooding can kill the plants. Section 11 Pomegranate Husk Extract Cost of Production Analysis A banana tree produces at least 20 kg banana fruit minimum per each blossom of Banana, in a very short time period (about 150 days). The steps which enabled us to reach to our target audience are described below. The slips will be planted in an area of 100 square meters at a distance of 80×60 cms for good irrigation to take place. Then Profit = Rs. Irrigation and water management: Irrigation is an important factor for successful production of pomegranate. The alluring monetary return per … 9. Pits of dimensions 60X60X60 cm are dug about a month prior to planting and kept open under the sun for a fortnight. Commercial production starts within 3 years in pomegranate plantation and lasts up to 30 years. It is assumed that it is native fruit of the Persia; Nowadays known as IRAN. Physiological disorder: Fruit cracking is a most serious physiological disorder in pomegranate which limits its cultivation. White boxes with 5 plies are used for exporting and the red boxes with 3 plies are for domestic use. Avocado fruits are also known as “Elegator Pierce”, which is mostly grown in Mexico, Peru, India, Kenya, Persia, Chile, USA, Colombia, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Brazil and many other countries, all over the world. Pomegranate fruit is very nutritious and refreshing. Pomegranate cultivation Cost and profit in India:The right time for planting pomegranate plants is between August to September or February to March.While planting the plant, a distance of 5-5 meters or 5 to 6 meters should be kept. The countries where plantation agriculture is carried out successfully are usually recipient of … Further, the profit earned by the papaya growers under the programme has acted as eye opener for the other tribal farmers of the area as well. Proposed Balance Sheet 7. The Mosambi plants have also started fruiting, giving them an annual profit of Rs 1 lakh. Reducing the cost of crops and increasing production. Chilli farming profit per acre, cost of cultivation, yield in India. Papaya grows best in light, well-drained soils rich in organic matter with soil pH of 6.0-6.5. While traditionally grown pomegranate weighs 400 gm, each pomegranate of Shekhawati farms weighs nearly 700-800 gm. Question 3: In a transaction, the profit percentage is 80% of the cost. One should go through this Chilli farming project report for their reference. Greenhouse Farming in India (beginner guide 2021) September 7, 2021 by amar sawant. 5315. Perfect for tracking and making sure my ingredient, packaging & labour costs are on target. Companies have indicated higher costs are a valid concern, and data backs that up. Organic farming systems are often more labor intensive because of increased time spent managing weeds and monitoring pests. In their paper they did the detail analysis of cost required & the income generation in pomegranate cultivation. Table 3. So, we advice our growers to adopt this technique to get better profit and control soil erosion as well as costing of cultivation. POMEGRANATE CULTIVATION [3676] Pomegranate is one of the commercial fruit crops of India. 4. How To Grow Avocado? Production costs tend to be lower in established organic systems because of reduced input costs. This technique of cultivation is more frequently followed. The fruit is a rounded hexagonal shape, 5–12cm in diameter, with thick skin that ranges from yellowy red to bright red when ripe. 1.5 3.Pmegranate Harvesting and yield. The farmers after a span of few years, around mid-2000s, had excelled at pomegranate production. This weather-related issue has led some growers to convert pomegranate acreage to almonds and walnuts. Cost of cultivation /acre/year Rs.20,000 to 25,000/- Status before and after pomegranate cultivation Two acres of parental land own Earlier crops grown were redgram, groundnut etc. Industry Growth Insights : With 6.4% CAGR, The "Pomegranate Market"Size is expected to grow from 208.9 million USD In 2020, to reach 322.9 Million USD … [172] Weed nutrients uptake competition greatly affect the plant growth & crop yield. The data related to production and marketing practices, post-harvest losses, price received & It is native to Iran (Persia).Pomegranate is known as a drought tolerant crop, yet regular irrigation is mandatory to commercial yield production.Water levels and optimal irrigation regime depend on a plurality of factors as soil type, tree size, physiological phase and potential evaporation.As a rule the tree needs little … He only cuts his pomegranate, cuts it and, of course, finally picks it. Growers necessarily get beneit as per the production cost. He finds that pomegranate production has a cost of 1950.4 TL per decare and a net profit of 834.5 TL per decare. They cover a wide cultivation area and contribute about 28 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In young fruits, it could be due to boron deficiency but fully grown fruits crack due to moisture imbalances as there are very sensitive to variations in soil moisture and humidity. per cent of pomegranate growing area in the district. The country with a top record in production of other fruit types produces Pomegranate farming is growing rapidly in recent years. Percentage of Term loan against total project cost 3. The pomegranate growing belt includes Tumkur, Chitradurga, Koppal, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Bellary. Pomegranate is an important fruit crop of Maharashtra. The study utilized the primary data collected from a sample of 120 farmers spread across 14 villages of two taluks in Chitradurga district. Figure 2018-2023 Southeast Asia Share of Global Pomegranate Juice Production. Commercial growers of Chilli must know the cost of cultivation of Chilli, Chilli farming profit along with other economics. Production status. 2.1 Cultivation of traditional fruit crops comprising tropical and sub-tropical fruits like mango, banana, pomegranate, pineapple, grape, citrus and which has the potential to provide sustainable livelihood to the small land holders both under irrigated as well as rainfed conditions. The products made from pomegranate have great demand all over the world. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 4. Pomegranate Farming is the best business for the farmers to earn more and more profit.Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is one of the important commercial fruit. It is assumed that it is native fruit of the Persia; Nowadays known as IRAN. The tree has glossy, narrow, oblong leaves and in spring, bears bright red flowers. Rosa × damascena, more commonly known as the Damask rose, or sometimes as Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose, Taif rose, Arab rose, Ispahan rose and Castile rose, is a rose hybrid, derived from Rosa gallica and Rosa moschata. The one source of updates on Rural India and across the world. The production of pomegranate in India is around 820.3 Metric tons in which Maharashtra stands first 550 Metric tons. NRCP 2009a, 2009b), and thus, their cost effective manage-ment practices need to be developed that will improve the profit margin and encourage farming community to enhance pomegranate production and productivity. Pomegranate cultivation- Avoid water stagnation In wet and clayey soil, provide for drainage , add more compost particularly vermicompost made of pressmud which is rich in nutrients or more farm yard manure.. Spacing 3* 3 M or 2.5 * 3.0 M. You can accomodate 1111 to 1600 plants per hactare Pit size - 60 * 60 * 60 cms Deep fertile soils with good drainage are suitable. Weed nutrients uptake competition greatly affect the plant growth & crop yield. Their produce was being sold in cities of New Delhi, Jaipur, Pune and Sangamner in India and was also exported from Mumbai. Also, the land will be appreciated by at least 3 times over the period of 10 years. 5 percent) and hence highly profitable. Accoridng to the data published by National Horticulture Board of India there is a undersized decrease in the area of pomegranate cultivation in India from 109.00 thousand ha in 2008-09 to 107.00 thousand ha in 2010-11; similarly, the production has decreased from 807.00 thousand tons to 743.00 thousand tons during the same period. HTF MI Analyst have added a new research study on Title Global Pomegranate Assessment, With Major Companies Analysis,Regional Analysis, Breakdown Data by Application/Type with detailed information of Product Types [, Pomegranate Powder & Pomegranate Juice Concentrate], Applications [Food Industry & Cosmetics Industry] & Key … a. less than 2 ha, b. It can tolerate any kind of soil provided it is well-drained and not too dry. Figure 2018-2023 Global Pomegranate Juice Production Value and Growth Rate. Climatic change is a significant challenge for the farmer. Irrigation is required at an interval of 5-7 days in summer, 10-12 days in winter and 10-15 days in rainy season. Solution: Let us assume CP = Rs. Avocadoes are also known as … The benefit-cost ratio Pomegranate orchard. Production as well as cost of cultivation has been minimizing greatly. The global pomegranate and pomegranate arils market was valued at USD 8.2 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 23.14 Billion by year 2026, at a CAGR of 14.0 percent. 10. Yield and Sales Chart 6. , Micro propagation of pomegranate Punica • Motivating factors responsible for pomegranate cultivation. 3.1.1 Manufacturer 1 Pomegranate Husk Extract Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2015-2020. 8. A blank column, “Your Costs”, in Tables 3 and 4 is provided to enter your farm costs. 1.2 Other name of Pomegranate fruit. 2 Increase your yield by the following way. Pomegranate Variety Crops are Selecting According to Soil, Weather, and Water analysis. Production of Pomegranate : 169 tonnes of bhagwa from 10 acres and 40 tonnes Ganesh from 2 acres Income from Pomegranate per year : Approximately` 1.25 Crore every year since 4thbahar Cost of Cultivation/acre /year : ` 2.5 Lakh/- Description of Technology Cost of Production and Profitability 5. profit vis a vis cost requirement 65 3 Less water required 85 85 4 Availability of government subsidy 90 90 5 Possible to export 50 50 (Reference: Questionnaire) Above table shows that 80% of farmers cultivate pomegranate as it is suitable for un irrigated land,65% ... Pomegranate Cultivation is increasing due to the granatum L. Bhagava African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. Commercial production starts within 3 years in pomegranate plantation and lasts up to 30 years. Tissue culture plant business in India. analysis, cost and net profit of peach production were calculated. Do you think pomegranate cultivation has positive impact on farmer’s economic upliftment. Cost of Cultivation / Production & Related Data Select Year 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Manual on Cost of Cultivation Surveys 2 – 5 ha and c. above 5 ha. Nowadays, many farmers are shifting farming to other professions due to insufficient financial protection. Read this: Growing Pomegranate In Containers. • Effectiveness of pomegranate cultivation in enhancing 10(79), pp. ... walnut, grapes, banana and pomegranate are the major fruits exported, while onion, okra, bitter gourd, ... which reduce the cost of production and generate more profit. LIVE STOCK AND FARMING (INTEGRATED UNIT) (Cow (Gir & Sahiwal) Dairy farm, Biogas production, Goat farming, Fish & Duck Farming, Desi chicken Rearing, Resort, Function hall with Mini water park, Pomegranate farming, Banana farming & Vegetable farming) - Project Report - Manufacturing Process - Cost - Investment Required. The global Pomegranate Concentrate market was valued at USD million in 2020 and is expected to reach USD million by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of % during 2021-2027. analysis. Proposed Cash flow Statement for repayment period. 178 kgs of Nitrogen, 78 kgs of Phosphorus and 48 kgs of potassium will be used to fertilize the plants in a proper way for four times on a yearly basis. One exception to this, perhaps, is labor. Sample costs for labor, materials, equipment, and custom services are based on current figures. Propagation Pomegranate Cultivation:- In pomegranate cultivation, vegetative propagation is recommended in establishing successful pomegranate orchard. The total area under Pomegranate in Andhra Pradesh is about 4.9 thousand hectares with estimated annual production of 44 thousand tons. In 2015-16, the area under pomegranate cultivation has sizably increased from 1,31,000 hectares to 1,81,000 hectares, with an annual production of 1.8 million tons and an average productivity of 9.88 ton per hectare, according to the 2015-16 annual report of the Solapur-based National Research Centre for Pomegranate (NRCP). increase in area and production of pomegranate. Here is the complete pomegranate farming guide in India. minimum 20 kg per tree. pattern, input costs, labor costs, transportation, processing costs, selling prices, profit margins, etc. Major states cultivating Pomegranates include Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and … This is a high-value crop and has export potential. Average Cost of Production and Gross Profit of Fruit Farming in Nepal 1 Average Cost of Production and Gross Profit of Fruit Farming in Nepal 1. Subsidies and Loans for Pomegranate Farming. According to results of this study, average size of the peach orchards was 1.09 ha. Krishidarshan Bengalurui) Success story of farmer in Pomegranate cultivation - Shambulingappa, Progressive farmer, Kukkanapalli, Koppal (T). 180. 1 Pomegranate Farming Tips Process, Profit and Cultivation. This type of agriculture requires larges pieces of land. Per hectare overall cost of cultivation of pomegranate was worked out to 121170.33. The present investigation focused on “Economics of Production and Constraints in Pomegranate Cultivation in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra”. Or semi-deciduous shrubby tree, growing 5–8 metres pomegranate cultivation cost and profit is well-drained and not too.! Due to insufficient financial protection and Potassium, then a distance of 4-5 meters is fine while the! Relies on the sort of climate and soil 14 villages of two taluks Chitradurga... Than normal density of 400 plants ( 5x5m ) a distance of 5 to 3 is. 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