Together, the two databases aim to input the largest possible number of Latin texts and to make them available and searchable as one large corpus. Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum - a digital library of Latin literature, spanning from the earliest epigraphic remains to the Neo-Latinists of the eighteenth century. The ‘Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO) continues and develops the former activities in the field of Latin studies of Cetedoc, a centre which was founded by the Université catholique de Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve and has been developed jointly by Brepols Publishers and the university. The Library of Latin Texts (a project that was started in 1991 as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts, CLCLT) is produced by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO) under the direction of Pr. The I Tatti Renaissance Library, published by Harvard University Press, is the only series that makes available to a broad readership the major literary, historical, philosophical, and scientific works of the Italian Renaissance written in Latin. – The second chronological part of the databases comprises the patristic Latin literature that starts around 200 A.D. with Tertullian and ends with the death of the Venerable Bede in 735. The aim now is to offer a database that continues to expand and aims to comprise not only Latin literature from the patristic and medieval periods but also from Antiquity and the early-modern and modern eras. Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum (CSL) A collaborative, digital library of Latin literature, spanning from the earliest epigraphic remains to the Neo-Latinists of the eighteenth century. The Latin has been made to align with the Greek text (from Niese), which is then aligned with the English translation produced by Whiston in 1737. For a … The Library of Digital Latin Texts is published by the DLL on behalf of the following learned societies: Under this partnership, the DLL maintains the platform, infrastructure, and encoding guidelines for the series; the organizations listed above oversee the process of receiving proposals for new editions, submitting them for peer review, and making decisions regarding publication. The LLT (a project that was started in 1991 as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts, CLCLT) is produced by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO). "The Library of Latin Texts (LLT) consists of two parts. This cluster consists of full-text databases (namely, the Library of Latin Texts – Series A, theLibrary of Latin Texts – Series B, theMonumenta Germaniae Historica, theArchive of Celtic-Latin Literature and theAristoteles Latinus Database) and Latin dictionaries (unde… As part of a general evolution of enhanced integration and navigation between the Brepolis Latin Databases, we offer from 2021 onwards a single Library of Latin Texts instead of LLT-A and LLT-B. These resources are made available thanks to a generous contribution from the department of Ancient Mediterranean Studies Paul Tombeur. This second part also contains the complete critical text of the Latin Bible according to the Vulgate, the corpus of Latin Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, and the Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils of Late Antiquity. The Library of Latin Texts is a subscription-based database of Latin texts, from antiquity up to the present day. On the results pages, we have included a link to report problems and errors. Carmen De Iudicio Domini. For health reasons he has recently passed the maintenance of the library to someone new who will continue it in the same spirit. The complete list of works in the LLT-A is available here. Latin poems produced in Italy or in Italian cultural environments during the period starting from around the birth of Dante until the first half of the sixteenth century. LDLT editions are published as databases … c. iulius caesar (100 – 44 b.c.) The third link directs users to a U.Va.-hosted version of the Latin text (apparently from Ehwald's edition, ca. Altogether the corpus is about 108 MB. It gathers Latin texts of all genres and all periods. First, five chronological divisions have been adopted: – Antiquitas, which contains the works of so-called Classical Antiquity (from the beginning until, roughly, the end of the second century); – Aetas patrum I for works of Late Antiquity (until 500); – Aetas patrum II for works composed between 501 and the death of the Venerable Bede (735); – Medii aeui scriptores for medieval works (736-1500); – Recentior latinitas for works composed between 1501 and 1965. While Latin hasn't been regularly spoken or written for hundreds of years, save for the occasional scholarly text, its legacy is still felt throughout the lexicon of both Romance and Germanic languages today.Whether you're launching an ad hominem attack or adding etcetera to the end of a list, it's likely you're peppering your speech with Latin phrases without even knowing it. PHI Latin Texts. – 17 A.D.) METAMORPHOSES. Search. Thus the system adopted forms a guarantee against potentially misleading chronological assignment. For more information or news, please go to the blog Posts. This new database often integrates huge corpora of texts and so develops at a faster pace than the LLT­-A. Since 2009 the Library of Latin Texts has consisted of two parts, each of which can be subscribed to separately. The Latin Library is a collection of a wide variety of texts from the archaic period to the modern era. It offers the complete works of important patristic writers such as Ambrose, Augustine, Ausonius, Cassian, Cyprian, Magnus Felix Ennodius, Gregory the Great, Jerome, Marius Victorinus, Novatian, Paulinus of Nola, Prudentius, Rufinus of Aquileia, Salvian, Tertullian, Victor of Vita, the Latin translations of the Apostolic Fathers, and many rich corpora of authors such as Boethius, Cassiodorus, Eucherius of Lyon, Gennadius of Massilia, Hilary of Poitiers, Ildefonus of Toledo, Isidore, and Bede. Begijnhof 67 B – 2300 Turnhout / Belgium The platform for publication of the official, canonical version of an LDLT edition is a version-controlled code repository. Since 2009 the Library of Latin Texts consists of two parts, each of which can be subscribed to separately. Michael Bernhard, Father Pierre-Maurice Bogaert OSB, Pr. Renaissance Society of America Under this partnership, the DLL maintains the platform, infrastructure, and encoding guidelines for the series; the organizations listed above oversee the process of receiving proposals for new editions, submitting them for peer review, and making decisions regarding publication. The texts from this section come essentially from the Bibliotheca scriptorum Romanorum Teubneriana (© Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG). Liber I: Liber II: Liber III: Liber IV: Liber V: Liber VI: Liber VII: Liber VIII: Liber IX I agree to use this web site only for personal study and. Virginia Burrus, Father Roberto Busa SJ († 2011), Pr. Classical Latin Texts A Resource Prepared by The Packard Humanities Institute. Started in 1991 as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts, it continues to be developed by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ and is hosted by Brepols Publishers. Anyone with access to a networked computer and some knowledge of Latin can publish texts on the Internet, in the sense of making a text publicly available, but many Latin texts currently online lack a critical apparatus, the hallmark of a reliable, scholarly edition. LDLT editions are published as databases encoded in Extensible Markup Language (XML) according to the Guidelines for Encoding Critical Editions for the Library of Digital Latin Texts. Reading an apparatus criticus is hard enough for a human to do; for a computer, it's impossible—at least if the apparatus hasn't been encoded. Now, with the byname Series A, the Library of Latin Texts steps forward together with its companion database, the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, LLT­-B for short, which serves as a supplement to the LLT-­A. Great efforts have been undertaken to verify facts relating to the text, such as the veracity of the authorial attribution or the dating. Society for Classical Studies 2. In order to isolate, as far as possible, the words proper to each work, a distinction is made between the original text and the “paratextual” elements. Scholars interested in submitting a proposal for an edition should contact the appropriate learned society for the era of the text(s) they propose to edit. We thank numerous persons for their intervention: Pr. Read more about the concept of an edition as data in this section on textual criticism and this blog post about the LDLT. Guidelines for Encoding Critical Editions for the Library of Digital Latin Texts, procedures for automating most, if not all of the tasks related to encoding,, SCS Procedures for Evaluation of Proposals and Submissions, MAA Procedures for Evaluation of Proposals and Submissions, Interactive critical apparatus, allowing reader to evaluate variant readings. Word Counts by … Latin text and apparatus complete from G. Hartel's edition of Cyprian, CSEL 3.3, 1868. LLT-A is the new name for the database previously known as the CLCLT, and while this database continues to expand, it is also complemented by the new LLT-B. Home > The Library of Digital Latin Texts > Textual Criticism. © Functional design by CTLO and Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, 2016 – The first chronological part of the database comprises the entire corpus of Latin Literature from Classical Antiquity up to the second century A.D. (works with an independent textual tradition: the opera omnia of Plautus, Terence, Caesar, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Livy, the Senecas, the two Plinys, Tacitus, Quintilian and others). Girard J. Etzkorn, Pr. You can refine a search with logical operators. To these chronological layers are added three thematic subdivisions, essentially concerning translations from Greek that belong to various chronological periods: – the Corpus Pseudepigraphorum latinorum Veteris Testamenti, which groups together Latin translations of parabiblical texts; – the Biblia sacra iuxta Vulgatam, which concerns the Latin translations of biblical texts grouped together under the name of Vulgate; – the Concilia oecumenica et generalia Ecclesiae catholicae, which contains Latin translations of decrees issuing from ecumenical councils of the patristic age, translations which may, entirely or in part, belong to different centuries. The Perseus Digital Library is a partner and supporter of Open Greek and Latin, an international collaboration committed to creating an open educational resource featuring a corpus of digital texts, deep-reading tools, and open-source software. The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions. A database of medieval historical texts in five major series, namely the Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae, and Antiquitates. not to make copies except for my personal use – Queries can be simplified by using wildcards. – By using the Cross Database Searchtool,the LLT-A can be searched online together with the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database. Textual Criticism. The Electronic Text Center's holdings include a variety of Metamorphoses resources. When the project was started in 1991 its purpose was to produce a database comprising the entirety of patristic and medieval Christian Latin literature. – Other criteria for formulating queries are the century of composition and, for works of the Patristic Period, the serial number in a specific catalogue of works belonging to this period (the Clavis Patrum Latinorum). commentariorum libri vii de bello gallico cum a. hirti supplemento De Execrandis Gentium Diis. It consists of two connected projects, the Diogenes desktop application, which has been in existence for nearly 20 years, and the new DiogenesWeb webapp. From 2009 onwards, the database is known as the Library of Latin Texts, the world’s leading database for Latin texts. It was developed to assist the user to find the origin of quotations or other text without requiring knowledge of the exact words and/or their order. – Search possibilities can be extended by the use of Boolean and proximity operators. & and | or ~ near (within about 100 characters) ( ) precedence # word break: And you can restrict a search to set of authors or works by including filters in the search string. The literature of Classical Antiquity and the late antique pagan texts have been essentially taken from the Bibliotheca scriptorum Romanorum Teubneriana through the Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (© Walter de Gruyter). Although editorial practices differ among scholars working on classical, medieval, and humanist texts, our user studies have demonstrated that there is general agreement that a viable digital format specifically for critical editions and commentaries of Latin texts, combined with a legitimate forum in which to publish them, would advance the field of Latin studies. These files are in the public domain, as explained here. If you find anything from typos, to missing chunks of text, etcetera or if you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know. available for downloading and/or copy and pasting into articles Riccardo Pozzo, Pr. It includes, for instance, the decrees from the modern ecumenical Church councils up to Vatican II, the Latin translations of John of Ruusbroec made by the German Carthusian Laurentius Surius, important Latin works of René Descartes, Lipsius’ De constantia, the Christianae religionis institutio of Calvin (according to the edition of 1559), poetical works by Joachim du Bellay and by the Jesuit Jacob Balde, the epic Colombus poem of Ubertino Carrara SJ, the complete works of Lawrence of Brindisi, and many others.. Brepols Publishers A readable and searchable online collection of approximately 350 authors, including almost all Latin texts up to 200 CE (and a small sample of later authors). Within the entire body of Latin texts, LLT-A distinguishes eight so-called ‘periods’ or ‘categories’. The Library of Digital Latin Textsis published by the DLL on behalf of the following learned societies: 1. P. OVIDIVS NASO (43 B.C. This part of the database includes the complete works of many medieval authors such as Anselm of Canterbury, Beatus of Liebana, Bernard of Clairvaux, Rupert of Deutz, Sedulius Scottus, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas of Celano or William of St. Thierry. The Latin Library - A collection of Latin texts: classical, Christian, medieval, and modern Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church fathers who made particular use of pagan culture—in short, our entire classical heritage is … Many texts have also been taken from other scientific collections such as the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum of Vienna or the Sources Chrétiennes series. PHI Latin Texts. – The target of queries can be widened by extending it to groups of three sentences. Latin Texts Search for documents in Search only in Latin Texts. The LDLT's encoding guidelines are a customization of the guidelines published and maintained by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Additional full text sources can be found in the Classics: Full Text Collections section of Inter Libros. – The LLT makes it possible to perform a ‘similarity search’ (a kind of ‘fuzzy search’). Medieval Academy of America 3. The new name, Library of Latin Texts, that was adopted in 2002, refers to the expansion of the chronological limits that were originally set, as well as to the broadening of its horizon which now integrates the initial Christian outlook into a general cultural perspective. With regard to this corpus, the objective of the database can be summarised in the brief sentence: “Who said what, when, where, and how many times?”. The Library of Latin Texts (LLT) is the world’s leading database for Latin texts. In 2005, theLibrary of Latin Textswas launched online on the Brepolis website where, today, it is part of a comprehensive cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin. About These Texts: Technical Notes: Index: ePUBS. Waszink's edition, 1937. Links for texts in Latin or other languages are not available here. © Database by CTLO and Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, 2016 The editions published within the Corpus Christianorum series have been used for the Christian texts of late antiquity and for the medieval literature. Latin text only from J.H. The theme of the library is classical mythology and so the selection consists primarily of ancient poetry, drama and prose accounts of myth. The LLT-A is a Latin full-text database which enables the user to profit from an elaborate system of tools that can be used with the help of a multilingual interface (English, French, German and Italian): – The database can be used in order to read texts as a whole, to search for words and expressions, to access individual texts by means of their references, to examine the distribution of word-forms across the entire database, or to analyse vocabulary within an individual work by displaying an exhaustive concordance for each form that is part of that work. Texts have been integrated into the database with the permission of many publishers. For Latin texts in translation, consult the Perseus Digital Library's Greek and Roman Materials. Please make use of the excellent set of links available on David Camden's Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum.. Introduction to LATO. – The user can execute a search across all the texts in the database or, with the help of filters, define a subset and limit the search to one or more periods within the corpus, to one or more authors, as well as to one or more titles of works. Musisque Deoque. As far as possible, the standard critical editions have been used, e. g. for the Latin Bible, the Decretum Gratiani or the opera omnia of Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Aquinas. The LLT­-A is the world’s leading database for Latin texts, offering texts from the beginnings of Latin literature down to the present day. The LDLT Reading Room includes the following features: A demonstration edition is available at External Collections These collections are no longer hosted by the Perseus Digital Library. See also the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, the Database of Latin Dictionaries, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Aristoteles Latinus Database and the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature. Latin-English Interlinear (Nova Vulgata) Bible (GoogleTrans)Interlinear translation made with Google translate, not very accurate! Editions are published on an open basis so that the data will be freely available for reuse. That is why the DLL maintains the official LDLT Reading Room, an online application that makes editions available in a familiar, interactive web interface. Tullio Gregory, Mgr.

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