Why Did Europeans Want a New Route to Asia? - Reference.com The extensive overseas exploration, with the Portuguese and Spanish at the forefront, later joined by the Dutch, English, and French, emerged as a powerful factor in European culture, most notably the European colonization of the Americas. As early as 1341, Portuguese sailors had made. 1015 Words. Overview. As many of those eventually sank, shipwrecks may represent a local source of mercury contamination in the marine environment. Why did the authors of probanzas de mritos choose to write in the way that they did? What impact did Portuguese have on Africa? Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella promoted the acquisition of these new lands in order to strengthen and glorify their own empire. The Jesuits attempted to covert the natives to Christianity, but most of the other colonists were more interested in pushing west to find gold and silver. 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In 1482, Portuguese traders built Elmina Castle (also called So Jorge da Mina, or Saint Georges of the Mine) in present-day Ghana, on the west coast of Africa ([link]). The 1492 Columbus landfall accelerated the rivalry between Spain and Portugal, and the two powers vied for domination through the acquisition of new lands. Indeed, the Spanish created an empire across two continents, and the world would never be the same. As Western Europe transitioned from the regional divides of the middle ages to stronger centralized countries, kings and queens looked for ways of expanding their spheres of influence and world outlooks. This slave trade also came into greater usage when the Portuguese followed the Spanish in setting their sights across the Atlantic, colonizing Brazil in the 1530s. A desire for Asian spices and other Asian goods: European maritime expansion began with the goal of establishing new trade routes to African and Asian markets to buy ivory, pepper, cotton, and Who ruled the government of ancient Sumer? The Spanish conquistadors also had horses, which people in the Americas had never seen before. Portugal discovered new lands, new sea routes and made better maps of the world. In 1533, Pizarro founded Lima, Peru. They have no iron, nor steel, nor weapons, nor are they fit for them, because although they are well-made men of commanding stature, they appear extraordinarily timid. Cortes, for example, had friendly relationships with a number of natives, using them to assist in his conquest of the Aztecs, while other conquistadors focused only on subjugation and cruelty. These lands comprised most of the Americas. Notes FAQ Contact . . This colonial enterprise was driven by a search for African gold, Asian spices, and Christian kingdoms in the east. . In the 15th century the Portuguese started exploring new lands. Henry the navigator was a mapmaker and helped build ships. Many other Europeans followed in Columbuss footsteps, drawn by dreams of winning wealth by sailing west. with an exploratory and descriptive study with a sample of five YouTube channels in Spanish and Portuguese aimed at early . Spain brought the ecomienda system to the New World to build plantations for mining and farming, a system that categorically abused the Amerindian labor force without fair trades for their gold. Explore the collection at The Cervantes Project for images, complete texts, and other resources relating to Cervantess works. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of 'The Age of Discovery', stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. spices, of Asia. They were far more interested in trade, and before long, they had carried millions of Africans away from their homes as slaves. The Spanish came to the New World first to have a Far East trading link. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. They had many tools that helped them navigate through the Atlantic Ocean. Discover the motivations & goals of Spanish & Portuguese exploration of the New World & Asia. . They stayed because of the wealth found in the region. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. However, they also brought disease and existing conflicts between European nations. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. The voyages of Columbus. He spent most of his life in the Americas advocating for the natives. Portuguese exploration along the African coast was marked by trading rather than colonization with the empire-building posts to protect their ships carrying spices and gold back to Portugal and allying with African kings when possible. Spanish . The Portuguese continued to focus on building trade networks and establishing a trading post empire without heavy colonization in direct contrast to the Spanish. Portuguese success in exploration depended on maritime technological advances, especially caravel ships with lateen sails that were triangular in shape and gave Europeans the advantage of finally sailing in both directions along the African coast. Hispaniola is a marvel. They started in the Caribbean with a settlement at Santo Domingo on Hispaniola in 1496 and moved on to other islands. [3] Which country established the first colonies in the Americas? When these expeditions began, Europeans knew virtually nothing about the area past Cape Bojador on. He presided as governor over the province of Nueva Galicia, where he heard rumors of wealth to the north: a golden city called Quivira. John H Elliott - Empires Of The Atlantic World.pdf Even though the empires of Mexico and Peru had already had thriving trade routes, superior technology and biological factors of new diseases to which the Amerindians had no resistance gave Europeans the advantage. The traditional European narrative of exploration presents the victory of the Spanish over the Aztec as an example of the superiority of the Europeans over the savage Indians. Fighting on horseback gave the Spanish explorers an advantage over the Native American populations, who fought on foot. No products in the cart. Columbus set sail with three small ships and a crew of eighty . Beyond the splendor of the architecture of the missions, what we see today is the cumulative effect of a historic process Spain triggered with its efforts to govern and Christianize the New World, thereby culturally changing the land and people forever. When the Spanish and Portuguese explore to the new world it results in massive increase in the population. NYFA's Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree programs are designed to provide students with a concentrated education in film, media, and entertainment, supported by an exploration of the liberal arts and sciences. Magellan's Circumnavigation of the Earth | Origins The most famous of these Spanish adventurers are Christopher Columbus (who, though Italian himself, explored on behalf of the Spanish monarchs), Hernn Corts, and Francisco Pizarro. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? The resulting Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 drew a north-to-south line through South America ([link]); Spain gained territory west of the line, while Portugal retained the lands east of the line, including the east coast of Brazil. Ottoman Turks controlled much of the land routes to the East, and they initially charged exorbitant taxes for traders to get through. what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?the renaissance apartments chicago snoopy happy dance emoji 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 They also found a sea route to India. This exchange benefitted Europeans more than Native Americans because Europeans spread smallpox , a deadly disease, to Native Americans when they came into contact with them. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? . In this context, evaluating mercury contamination in coastal sediments and mercury magnification in marine food webs is crucial for . In the 15th century, Spanish ships travelled all around the World carrying plants, animals, people, and goods. 1531 Spanish and Portuguese exploration brought a variety of Western ideas to the new world, including dress and leadership positions like that of the governor. In the 1500s they had ships called Spanish Galleons that . In either case, she demonstrates one way in which native peoples responded to the arrival of the Spanish. a long period of peace and prosperity for the nations of western Europe. Nearly everybody remembers that 'In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue,' and indeed, Christopher Columbus, sponsored by Spain, did make his first voyage in 1492 and bumped into a completely new continent on his way to the Far East. Portuguese explorers were excellent navigators. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. There was plenty of room to spread out, interesting cultures and landscapes to explore, natives to Christianize, and even better, economic opportunities galore, including new sources of gold and silver. Spanish and Portuguese Exploration Flashcards | Quizlet Taming the Bullwhip: An Exploration of the Supply Chain Ripple Effect This age of exploration and the subsequent creation of an Atlantic World marked the earliest phase of globalization, in which previously isolated groupsAfricans, Native Americans, and Europeansfirst came into contact with each other, sometimes with disastrous results. Where did Christopher Columbus first land? What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration quizlet? On June 7, 1494, the governments of Spain and Portugal agreed to the Treaty of Tordesillas, named for the city in Spain in which it was created.The Treaty of Tordesillas neatly divided the " New World " of the Americas between the two superpowers. One of this periods most famous works is the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. Far from being unified and content under Aztec rule, many peoples in Mexico resented it and were ready to rebel. Among these was Toribio Motolinia, whose work, History of the Indians of New Spain, provided a comprehensive description not only of conversion methods, but Aztec religious and cultural practices. The magnetic compass was a compass that had a magnetized needle supporting a magnetic card. The Portuguese explored the Canary Islands off the African coast as early as 1341, finding them perfect for the establishment of sugar colonies with labor supplied by African slaves. What does this letter show us about Spanish objectives in the New World? In the following years, as European exploration spread, slavery spread as well. Portugal imported armor and munitions, fine clothes, and several manufactured products from Flanders and Italy. Then, when they found Amerindians, they wanted to colonize and convert them, as well as have access to their gold. Portugals Prince Henry the Navigator spearheaded his countrys exploration of Africa and the Atlantic in the 1400s. The confinement of my story to Spanish, rather than Iberian, America means the almost total exclusion of the Portuguese settlement of Brazil, except for glancing references to the sixty-year period, from 1580 to 1640, when it formed part of Spain's global monarchy. When this lesson is over, you should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. How did Portuguese and Spanish exploration effect the people in Africa? Thus the goals of the Spanish conquest were quite different from the Portuguese. The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. Since the 700s, much of Spain had been under Islamic rule, and King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, arch-defenders of the Catholic Church against Islam, were determined to defeat the Muslims in Granada, the last Islamic stronghold in Spain. He understood why the exploration and hunt of the surrounding was done by the Domain . The Portuguese took the lead. (04.05) Painting of a scene showing European explorers and native peoples in the New World. The process where the Spanish and Portuguese Christians reclaim the Iberian Peninsula is called the Reconquista. Spain, in particular, produced a number of famous conquistadors who established the presence of the Spanish empire in Mexico, California, and Peru. Hernando de Soto had participated in Pizarros conquest of the Inca, and from 1539 to 1542 he led expeditions to what is today the southeastern United States, looking for gold. Moreover, it would be incorrect to attribute purely mercenary or religious goals to the conquest. Hogwarts Legacy - steamcommunity.com Exploration of North America - HISTORY De Gama's successful venture created a greater demand than ever before for overseas trades along the African coast. Columbus held erroneous views that shaped his thinking about what he would encounter as he sailed west. Cortes formally claimed Mexican land for the Spanish crown in 1519. The story of North American exploration spans an entire millennium and involves a wide array of European powers and uniquely American characters. Henry the Navigator. On October 12, 1492, however, he made landfall on an island in the Bahamas. Seoul Station's Necromancer - Chapter 180: Defense (4) | Light Novel World The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. For them, the dungeon of Elmina was their last sight of their home country. Spain attracted innovative foreign painters such as El Greco, a Greek who had studied with Italian Renaissance masters like Titian and Michelangelo before moving to Toledo. Effects of Spanish Rule in North and South America: 1. Chapter 15 Maritime Revolution - AP World History - Google The natives quickly became the bulk of the workforce and were horribly abused despite Isabel's orders to the contrary. They explored the coasts of Africa and brought back gold and slaves. Vasco de Balboa 1513- goal was to find gold and a new sea. Pizarro began his work by capturing the Incan king and holding him for ransom, the astronomical amount of which flooded the Spanish coiffures and made empire-building more lucrative than it had ever been. What did the Portuguese and Spanish contribute to the age of Starting in 1485, he approached Genoese, Venetian, Portuguese, English, and Spanish monarchs, asking for ships and funding to explore this westward route. Islamic states had dominated. While the Portuguese didnt rule over an immense landmass, their strategic holdings of islands and coastal ports gave them almost unrivaled control of nautical trade routes and a global empire of trading posts during the 1400s. The system also allowed them to protect their imports as they traveled back to Portugal. While the Portuguese built a maritime trading empire in Africa and Asia, the Spanish built a territorial empire in the Americas . Assessing the Success of Portuguese and Spanish Exploration and Velzquez painted himself into this imposingly large royal portrait (hes shown holding his brush and easel on the left) and boldly placed the viewer where the king and queen would stand in the scene ([link]). The Spanish explorers hoped to find cities of gold, so they made their discoveries sound as wonderful as possible in these letters to convince the Spanish crown to fund more voyages. Cortes took land from the Aztecs in what is today Mexico. The Age of Discovery & Exploration - Practice Test Questions & Chapter Above all else, the Aztec wealth in gold fascinated the Spanish adventurers. (1531) Spaniards captained the other three ships (San Antonio, Concepcin, and Victoria), and constant Spanish scheming against the Portuguese would have grave consequences for the voyage. Map showing the routes to the Far East. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Portugal & the Age of Exploration - World History Encyclopedia He participated in successful expeditions in Panama before following rumors of Inca wealth to the south. 2.1: Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest Although the period known as the Age of Discovery, when Western Europe's conquistadors or conquerors discovered the true expanse of the globe, began with a Portuguese and Spanish desire to find ways to the Far East and the spice trade, it ended with both nations permanently expanding a myriad of trade networks and colonies on continents previously unknown. Q. The Carrack or Nao (meaning ship) was developed as a fusion between Mediterranean and Northern European-style ships. Over two centuries, the Spanish established an empire over two continents that changed the lives of the Amerindians, the very face of the land itself, and indeed, the entire world. The Portuguese took firm control of trade with the Far East. The global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century caused social and economic issues by creating social impact in China, changing the economic purpose for trading, and the overall exchange between the Chinese and European nations. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? Spices, fabrics, and other luxuries flowed into Portugal and out to other European countries, and the Portuguese treasury swelled. There were different reasons for the Spanish and Portuguese exploration, with the Portuguese establishing a trading post empire to protect their goods, and Spain focusing on. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of The Age of Discovery, stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. 201-202. Malintzin translated for Corts in his dealings with Moctezuma and, whether willingly or under pressure, entered into a physical relationship with him. Instead, he encouraged exploration and directed many important expeditions. In the following years, as European exploration spread, slavery spread as well. Prince Henry the Navigator | Biography, Influence & Facts, The Development of Monarchical Nation States: the Rise of Power, Bartolome de las Casas: Destruction of the Amerindians, Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire | Biography & Facts, Carolingian Art | Overview, Renaissance & Characteristics. Millions of Amerindians died by violence and disease as the Spanish marched through their lands, and even the very face of the land changed as the explorers and settlers brought new livestock, weeds, and germs to the New World. At the heart of the Spanish exploration, was the desire to gain access to the spice and silk routes to increase their power and . The Hapsburg dynasty, which ruled a collection of territories including Austria, the Netherlands, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, encouraged and financed the work of painters, sculptors, musicians, architects, and writers, resulting in a blooming of Spanish Renaissance culture. Beginning in about 1418, Henry sent explorers to sea almost every year. Portuguese explorers were able to discover and conquer new worlds. Portugal discovered new lands, new sea routes and made better maps of the world. A major result of the European Age of Exploration was. conquered Aztecs, killed emperor, collected gold Ferdinand Magellan The map shows areas of Portuguese and Spanish exploration, the two nations claims under the Treaty of Tordesillas, and a variety of flora, fauna, figures, and structures. Warfare by the Spanish, using guns, and forced labour in mines and on plantations also contributed. In 1519, he entered Tenochtitln, the capital of the Aztec (Mexica) Empire. All lands to the west of the line, identified as the Line of Demarcation, would be Spains. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Although, this conquest took over 30 years to accomplish. The effect of the Thrash's set items were huge. Like Corts, Pizarro had to combat not only the natives of the new worlds he was conquering, but also competitors from his own country; a Spanish rival assassinated him in 1541. The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492, Creating New Social Orders: Colonial Societies, 15001700, Rule Britannia! He then sailed to an island he named Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti) ([link]). The Portuguese were very pleased by this achievement, and they soon dominated the East Indies trade. Vasco de Gamas exploits successfully established a spice trade between Europe and India. What are the effects of Spain exploration? An error occurred trying to load this video. How do you think it might have influenced Europeans reading about the New World for the first time? Perched on the southwestern part of the Iberian peninsula, Portugal turned to the boundless Atlantic Ocean as its only outlet to the wider world. Dutch Golden Age History & Timeline | What is the Dutch Golden Age? Hernn Corts hoped to gain hereditary privilege for his family, tribute payments and labor from natives, and an annual pension for his service to the crown. Open Document. Spain. In this context, the Portuguese and the Spanish became the first countries to explore the Atlantic consistently, finding routes around Africa to the East and new continents untouched by European expansion. Tools Used By Spanish Ships In The 15th Century | ipl.org An exchange of ideas, fueled and financed in part by New World commodities, began to connect European nations and, in turn, to touch the parts of the world that Europeans conquered. Spanish and Portuguese Exploration Spain and Portugal were neighboring kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula and fierce competitors exploring the African coastline. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. It also marks an increased adoption of colonialism as a government policy in several European states. Create your account. Which country initiated the era of Atlantic exploration? Ushered in a new age of sustained global contact; world connected through networks of exchange. However, these stories are based on the self-aggrandizing efforts of conquistadors to secure royal favor through the writing of probanzas de mritos (proofs of merit). One such explorer, Francisco Pizarro, made his way to the Spanish Caribbean in 1509, drawn by the promise of wealth and titles. Almost as an afterthought, the Portuguese turned west to Brazil in the 16th century and began settlement in 1533. Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) is a leading energy technology company that design, manufacture and service transformative technologies to help take energy forward. The Spanish then murdered hundreds of high-ranking Mexica during a festival to celebrate Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. He received help from the neighboring cities terrorized by the Aztec empire, who periodically collected people from them to offer sacrifices to their gods in many elaborate rituals, outstripping nearby empires in their zeal. In time, much of the Atlantic World would become a gargantuan sugar-plantation complex in which Africans labored to produce the highly profitable commodity for European consumers. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. In this instance, Cortes actually operated without approval from the Spanish crown or the governor of the Cuban colony because he desired a chance to make his own name and wealth without the credit going to his superiors. The 15th and 16th centuries have often been labeled the age of exploration, discovery, and expansion. Payroll Services Expert, Novartis, Prague, Czech Republic 20+ Billion Cash Disbursements, 600k + payments through more than 400 Bank Accounts and countless lives impacted positively with our contributions to fulfill our noble purpose of reimagining medicineThe Payroll Services Expert supports the development of P&O processes, principles, and guidelines for a small client group, as well as .
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