Romans 10:9-10. If there were 3, it would read baptizing in the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. If youre concerned, make sure to pray for your grandmother (starting now, in case you havent). In ancient Israel, baptism was a public ceremony where a person was dunked in a MIKVEH. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. After many years of study, I have no doubts about the Bibles reliabilityincluding the parts about miracles. When I read it, it seems pretty scary. Being together is a primary way we grow and become better followers of Jesus. I believed in Jesus and that He had died for my sins, to make a way for me to go to heaven when I died. Wait until you are 100% certain, until your godly friends confirm for you that you seem to understand this situation properly, and until there are no more questions to answer. God became a man for several reasons, but a main one was to show us how to live right. Christian baptism is exactly the same thing: a convert telling the community of faith that they have been saved, and that they wish to join that community. After doing my homework, I can say without doubt that the Bibles we have now are very reliable. But Im confused if I fully understood what that meant at the time. It could backfire and hurt your relationship, rather than make anything better. The church is all Christians, all over the world, throughout history. Some songs by BTS are really great. I just didnt go today. Have a great day! Its never a good idea to suggest that truth can be determined by our feelings. Like I said: I dont know you personally. He didnt just love the obedient, Jen He loved the whole world, even while we turned our backs on Him. Keep in touch! Because they refuse to surrender and be reconciled to God. We need to see other people following Jesus well, to see how its done. Where Do Departed Unbaptized Infants Go? | A Russian Orthodox Church With respect, we should avoid using our feelings as a test for truth. Gods love and grace and mercy is all over the place. Sure, we can know that a lot of our loves ones will be there. And if he was the father why did he have to pray so much while on earth? Its a ritual that tells your community of faith that youve joined them. go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life, Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Have you looked in the mirror and admitted that living life your way simply isnt going to work out like it should? Now, we know that not everybody will go to Heaven, right? They should be welcoming and encouraging to you, offering to help you grow in faith. If youve already been baptized, theres nothing wrong with getting wet againespecially in a new community. The second punishment of therapeutic and cleanses the soul. You might not fit into that category. How do you know you have a relationship with god. If so, Im happy to call you my sister! And not a false image of GOD? You cant earn that. Can Unbaptized Persons Go to Heaven? | Catholic Answers where will you be if you are not reconciled and once you die is it too late? Whats the difference between a false teacher and someone who just has contradictory viewpoints of certain issues like homosexuality, transgenderism and etc. Why are so many concerned about it? And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. But I have a question, does God not accept people who believen other gods? Then I lived in license doing many sinful things until I was 28. What happens to unbaptized babies when they die? When we tell God that we DO believe Hes trustworthy, and we surrender our lives to Him, were saying that were going to do things His way instead of our way. You asked about false teachers, not about Rob Bell. Where do unbaptized babies go? - Baptism is a public declaration of faith. Does that make sense? I dont know whether youre hearing from God, and Im guessing you dont either. Only then can they claim to be a disciple and publicly display their faith. Im going to tell you something that may be hard to hear, Hannah. In the first century, everybody understood what baptism meant the New Testament events pretty much all happen in Jewish territory. Explain your faith, and your decision to be baptized, and tell them how important it is to you. Hang out with them. Life can be tough sometimes, right? Thanks for writing. As this was happening, others heard and were marveled after Peter spoke unto them about the occurence and in Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, Men and brethern, what shall we do.? I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you, Roger. The subtle but significant difference between the indwelling and outpouring of the Holy Spirit which can cause confusion as to what is happening at water baptism which now gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. What about peoples good intentionsis it enough to believe that doing good is good, even if we never get around to doing good things? First, we must repent of our sins (Yes, Jesus paid for our sins, yet, we are still born in sin). Nobody will go to Hell for sinning. Meet with them regularly. In accordance with each Mans individual motivates , centuries ago. Ill tell you how: trust God with your life. Answer: It's possible with God's providence (Matt. My life had started to get better, as every now and then. Heres one: The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. My advice to you is simple. In Hebrews, we even see God calling the Son God not once, but twice! When we decide to follow Jesus, we decide to do what He taught. This is preferable to Johns baptism: I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Romans 6:3-14 nails down the importance of why Jesus included baptism in Matthew 28:19 as he prepared to leave his disciples under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. First, thank you for your kind words. I dont believe that you believe that. youre saved if you believe. Do you see what John (one of Jesus disciples) wrote about forgiveness of sin? You and I probably believe some things that arent true, but that doesnt make us false teachersit only makes us incorrect. What about good deeds done for the wrong reasonscan someone get into Heaven for doing good when they have selfish reasons? Let me share with you a passage from the Bible: This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. Spirits do not have bodies muchless blood to atone with, thus the manifestation of God/Christ in the flesh. He said no, I said why, is he lying, isnt he a father.? Your feet should be comfortable. If you spend time with a community of Christians in your area, be baptized with them. Jesus had to go away so that the Spirit could come. James 1:13 says Let no one say when he is tempted, I am being tempted by God; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. Theyre not separate, like you and I are. Being 15, you may not be in complete control over whether youre baptized. Im happy to hear that your son is a good dad, and that youre involved in helping them. Im sorry for the delay in replyingmy mother recently passed away, so Ive been pretty busy. If what most of the people state is true about this particular situation. Second, thanks for commenting. Let me reassure you: nobody goes to Hell for a small mistake. Check it out: Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. This cant be. The earthquake was to happen on December 25 of that year (1999, if I remember right). I would probably feel the same. These were all commended for their faith. The first punishment of Gehenna is eternal. And in Mark 16:16 Jesus states He that believeth AND IS BAPTIZED shall be saved; Hi Tony. 39 For the promise is unto YOU, AND TO YOUR CHILDREN, AND TO ALL THAT ARE AFAR OFF, as MANY as the Lord our God SHALL call. Yeah, you may have never heard that part before. Are we reading from the same book because if read as it is written my interpretation is that god does not forgive, Jesus forgives and holy ghost guides but God is wrathful angry destructive and demands perfection from an imperfect subject made by his own hands. You dont appear to have read what I wrote very carefully. First, thanks for writing. They will live for God, and not for themselves. One might suggest that this is unfair, and they might seem to make a good point. What would the Pastor say to a person before being baptized, what must i be reconciled for. Im so confused as well. I just need guidance. Thanks Tony for taking the time to answer so many questions over the years. She cant get it wet. I will do whatever I can to help you trust God more and more. When we try to learn what God thinks about a specific idea, its best to look at ALL that Hes said. Demonically controlled? And does he accept Catholics & Mormons? Ive felt the same way. Other vital organs, including your kidneys and liver, stop. I was baptized in seventh grade. I was actually Bi. And the Church does not hold that the non-Christian confers the sacrament of matrimony on the Catholic spouse either. John answered them all, I baptize you with water. This baptism needs no ritual, has no script, and cannot be done by human hands. Was Gods plan for me? A good answer must start with a definition of sin. Does that make sense? I am a seeker of knowledge, nothing more! I respect my grandparents very much. It didnt make me reject the views just to gain more insight on them. I cant make that call for you. I believe in him with all my heart. If they needed money, they would even sell Torah scrolls to pay for it! They cannot, of course. Each believer is baptized after believing, to profess their faith to the community. Its just a public ceremony.
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