In addition to that, when the boys autopsies were performed, animal hair was discovered on them. Its possible. RIDGE: WHAT DID THE CLUB HOUSE CONSIST OF? His alibi for the night of the murders was shaky (the friend he says he was with says he left for a while) and he acted strangely towards his wife when he went to pick her up from work, walking past her and not saying anything, just calling the police to report the boys missing. The murders still haunt me and I will ALWAYS want justice for Stevie, Michael & Christopher. What this means, is that the injuries to Stevies penis may have been the result of an abuser repeatedly preforming oral sex on him. At the time of the murders, Terry and Pam had a 4-year-old daughter. Friday, January 20th 2012. In truth, this theory would finally explain and clarify, really,why the boys had animal hair on them if they were pulled from the water. RIDGE: WITH THEIR MOUTH, WHERE THEY HAVING SEX WITH THEIR MOUTH? Sometime after 5:00 Stevie then told his friends he really needed to go home and so they began to head back that way. He systematically destroyed every member of his family, traumatizing them with years of extreme sexual abuse/grooming and beatings. When Aaron Hutchinson spoke about the clubhouse, he referenced the boards numerous times. Additionally, Michael Moore was tied on one side of his body using a somewhat complicated knot, called a Square Knot. In this letter, a man named Bennie Guy revealed that in 1994, two teens, Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth had confessed to him that they had been involved in the murders with two other men, Terry Hobbs, stepfather to one of the murdered boys and David Jacoby, friend of Terry Hobbs. An attorney for one of the victim's mother dropped the bombshell in court today that she believes her ex-husband Terry Hobbs took part in the killings. [Feature Photo: Murder victims Chris Byers, Michael Moore and Stevie Branch/UMKC School of Law], Alex Murdaugh Begins Prison Sentence With New Haircut, What About Buster Murdaugh? . A few pages prior, he writes "Damien and Jason had no indicative violence in their pasts, and while Jessie was known for a hot temper, he channeled his aggression into pursuits such as wrestling." In the second statement, Narlene describes to police a conversation she had with LG outside of the police station right before a police interview. According to known evidenceStevie and Michael went to the Byers right around 5:30, which in my opinion was right after they left the Hobbs home. If that is true, then that is more evidence to support Billys statements as being factual. However, other experts who studied Chris wounds said that the injuries to his groin were post mortem and that there was no way a knife could have made those kinds of injuries. ~Stevie had bruises on the back of his hands, indicating he put up a fight. I believe that Terry intended to further molest and/or harm me because his actions and demeanor indicated that was his goal, but I believe my continued yelling and screaming alarmed him and caused him to run off. YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSE, VICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMES. I think you're on to something here. He continued to say that it was known in the drug world that Terry was gay or bisexual and that he preferred sex with young boys. I rewatched the paradise lost docs and in the last one, just before the murders, Pam had "kissed a Mexican" and Terry said that years later when he brought on the lawsuit with Natalie Maines. According to Pams family, Stevie was terrified of Terry. VICKIE: IN MIDDLE AFTERNOONRIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU FIND WHEN YOU CAME TO THE AREA? AH I SAID ARRON YOU KNOW THAT THEY TOOK THEIR CLOTHES OFF WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE? When they arrived in the woods, Terry Hobbs told the boys to wrestle. He has dead eyes. The darkest shit about all of this, is that they sensationalized this case as some bullshit Satanic fantasy. and all of it just covers up the sobering truth: this kind of child murder happens every day. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. RIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING? AARON: IT SMELLED LIKE, IT SMELLED LIKE A CIGARETTE JUST GETTING LILT BUT IT WAS A DIFFERENT KIND, AARON: THEY UM, THEY WENT DOWN TO WATCH THOSE MEN AND. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. Terry Hobbs grew up in a strict fundementalist pentecostal home, with his father actually being a pentecostal preacher. 3 A. RIDGE: THESE MEN. If the cop has power, it's easy. They had contusions, which are bruises, which had to have happened before death, on their ears, under eyes, over eyes, on forehead, etc. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. A rather uncommon knot for a regular person but a very common knot for a former butcher or farmer. He died before he was finished being tied up. DNA consistent with Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, was. Also, according to LGs aunt, Dixie, LGs mother, Linda, came to her work the next day asking where he had been the night before. Another coincidence? In accordance with the alleged confessions and as stated previously, I believe this kick would have sent Terry into a rage and he would have instantly punched Michael in response. Coincidence? I was almost 21, a new mom and lived just across the bridge, in Memphis when the murders happened. SO THIS FRIGHTENED ME, SO I GOT AARON OUT OF THERE AND WE WENT HOME. The most severe injury to Stevie came from being stomped on the back of the head and its very likely that this injury was the very last thing to happen to Stevie. [3], Terry Hobbs was 24 years old when he broke into the home of a neighbor, Mildred French. Roy Taylor was the marijuana, cocaine, and crystal meth supplier for Mr. Hobbsand me. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. SO WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK? The three new witnesses were polygraphed about what . If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. Just as the stripping of the clothes and the bites and stabs to groin; it all suggests a sexual element to this crime. WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY WHEN YOU GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WHAT WAS IT THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT DAY? . RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. The problem with that is that Chris was under the carport cleaning at 5:30, according to both of his parents. Additionally, Stevie had what appeared to be bruises on the back of his head. Terry claims that he dropped Amanda off with Bobby, Davids wife and that he and David then scoured the neighborhood looking for Stevie, which makes no sense. New DNA testing by the defense shows that none of the genetic material recovered from the murder scene links Echols, Baldwin, or Misskelley to the scene. However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. Additionally, why would LG go down to the Laundromat at approx. French reported that prior to the incident she had gone to the Hobbs' home after hearing what she believed to be a domestic dispute. This report details an incident where Damien got into a physical fight with another student and made numerous threats against him and his family. The West Memphis Three Trial: Who was the real killer or killers? Terry Hobbs was a violent man, this is proven and well documented, and the way Douglass pictures it, he likely wanted to punish or humiliate one or all of the boys and it went too far, leading him to murder them so they wouldn't be able to tell anyone. Now newly released evidence implicating Terry Hobbs has Pam Hobbs raising her own doubts about the man she once trusted. Murders In West Memphis::: - Jivepuppi If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. And keep in mind how high the possibility is that Narlene lied about dropping LG off and what that might mean. This is when Terry and David would have allegedly arrived at Lakeshore, seen Buddy and LG walking together and asked them who was holding weed. AARON: BEFORE THEY DID ANYTHING THEY WENT UP TO MY MAMAS TRUCK AND THEY ASKED HER IF I COULD GO OVER TO MICHAELS HOUSE TO GO UH, GO, GO WITH, GO WITH THEM TO PLAY SOME WHERE THAT WAS WHERE OUR CLUB WAS. Indicating that, just like the 4perp indicates, Stevie was alive the longest. was terry hobbs ever found - When Stevie was pulled from the water, the left side of his face was terribly mangled. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. Ifvery conservativelyone in every 10-20 people is gay or bi, and the police force is made up of 20 people (just a fun number) one of those cops is gonna like dick. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. Also, by looking at the photo of the ditch where the boys were found, you can begin to have an understanding of what might have occurred. Terry knew that Stevie was with Michael Moore. BLY BUDDY UM, LEFT A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THE KIDS GOT KILLED AND SHE SAID, HE DIDNT COME BACK UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. If they had focused on what the evidence at the crime scene really revealed, in addition to the details from Aarons interview, they would have been looking for a male or males who knew the victims well, were rumored or known homosexual or bisexual men approximately aged from 20-30 years old, and a person(s) who was free to frequent the woods in the afternoons from 5pm- 8pm at night, Monday -Thursday. The DNA used for comparison purposes was taken from cigarette butts obtained from an ashtray. If the mark above Stevies eye truly is a bitemark that is also powerful evidence in support of the Bennie/Billy statements. Meaning to me that he was the third one caught). RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? Due to the fact that the three were so severely injured, a weapon had to have been used at some point. The group also stated that Echols submitted a FOIA request over 18 months ago, but the request went unanswered, which is a violation of Arkansas state law. Echols ultimately ended filing a lawsuit against the police department. Hobbs is . Its difficult to know all of Narlenes reasons but I have a feeling about one of them. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. Mark on Stevies leg, possibly made by edge of the board found at crime scene. Ive been trying to bridge what Peretti said happened with what the defense experts said. He was probably only 5 or 10 feet from the other boys, not 25, as some people believe and 2. I allege that all three men returned to Terrys home and cleaned themselves up, which most likely involved washing mud off their shoes. This would be something he could rationalize and also something that would anger him. He did not say anything to me. Before I summarize what the Guy/Stewart affidavits reveal, Id like to summarize the statements made by Aaron Hutchinson in his first two interviews. VICKIE: SO THEN UM, II JUST GOT AARON OUT OF THERE BECAUSE YOU KNOW. If it wasnt for your choices, this never would have happened!And, the act of tying up the boys, especially the manner in which they were tied up, looked somewhat sexual in nature. They had been stripped naked, hogtied and beaten. (source) LG had been job hunting that day and was likely wearing a shirt and tie for his interviews. RIDGE: OKAY. Buddys version of events would match up perfectly with what LG would later tell Bennie Guy when they were locked up in the county jail together. What reasons could there possibly be for not being honest about the night a horrific murder of children took place? 9pm at night looking for a phone number when all he would need to do is call numerous people and he could have gotten it? West Memphis Three. I allege that he ordered the three to tie up the boys and explained that they should all be tied up in the same manner. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. When police finally did ask Buddy where he was the night of the 5th, he claimed that he barbecued with his family and then brought over some barbecue chicken to Jessie who ended up not being there. thirty minutes to clean up the crime scene before it got dark. Did TH kill Stevie to "get even" or was it just his rage gone too far? One thing that was agreed upon if you read between the lines, is that Chris was dead before he was put in the water. After the boys wrestled, the men offered them more marijuana and whiskey. The figure eight knot is used in conjunction with the Packers Knot; a knot used by butchers when they bind meat. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? This would have been the only way they could have crossed without falling into the water. Dixie stated that she knew Richards car and that it was not his. Who killed three eight year old boys in West Memphis? : r - reddit According to Bennie and Billys account, Terry Hobbs then walked over to the other boys, pulled out a knife and ordered the teens to remove their clothes. Additionally, his wounds later attracted turtles to further bite his face, making his injuries more severe. And if he witnessed the beginning of sexual activity, Stevie, unlike the others, would have known that if the three of them got caught spying they all would have been killed. The men most likely entered the Blue Beacon Woods from the field that was located to the east of the woods. In 07 or 09 when he was being questioned about the murders, just prior, he'd found Pam "kissing that Mexican". Had LG engaged in sexual activity with Hobbs and Jacoby prior to this day? Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but . and apparently to Pam too, iirc discovering this is what lead to her statement that she believes he was involved in the murder of her son. 5 A. At first she claimed that this happened at 4:30 and at the murder trials, she claimed it was sometime after 5pm. Apparently, the medical examiner stated that the fine scratches on Stevies penis are similar to those from children who have sexually abused, i.e: given oral sex. Thats a time bomb. I know there was a warning but the warning wasn't clear enough. I think its likely that Terry took the board with him as well to dispose of later or had it thrown in the bayou. Vicky Edwards, a writer and teacher, has announced the release of her first book, "Boxful of Nightmares, Terry Hobbs' Personal Memoirs on the West Memphis Three Murders." RIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE? (Narlene Interview) Additionally, she lied about seeing Damien and her niece, Domini walking away from the crime scene sometime around 9:30 the night of the murders. If Echols is successful in court, the DNA testing process will likely take months. The 4perp claims that Chris was very quickly held down so Terry could stab and bite him. On the night of the 5th LGs aunt Dixie told police and her sister, Narlene, that LG was dropped off at the Laundromat where she worked in a small, light colored car. The fact that the knots were not all the same, indicates as well that Terry was not the only person to tie up these children. (1, 2,) He originally claims to have asked his aunt for a ride home, that she said no, and he left and began to walk home. She tells police that LG said to her,dont tell police you saw Damien on the service road or you will get in trouble. VICKIE: YESYES I HAVERIDGE: AND WHEN WERE YOU THERE BEFORE? Stevie Branch was also tied with a less common and more complicated knot on one side, a Figure Eight Knot. Statement made by Anthony Hollingsowrth, cousin to LG, to police. that triggers narcissistic rage, he blacks out with rage and goes too far. $10,000 reward for new information leading to a missing man - WJHG Hobbs may be awful, but nothing accounts for the beating and drowning that took place. Terry claims to anyone and everyone who has asked about that night, that he was almost frantically searching for Stevie from 5:00pm-9:00pm at night. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. This was an attempt, clearly, to make the discovery of the boys more difficult. Aaron, Michael and Chris had always gone without Stevie and the one time Stevie did go, the men did not show up. The question whether the mark on Stevies left eyebrow is a bite mark or not has been the subject of great debate by experts and followers of the case for years. THE MEN SEEN THEM. This theory is corroborated by Bennie Guys statement (here) You can see in this photo where Hobbs and Jacoby could have parked, giving them very easy access to the location that the boys were most likely killed and later found. In 2007 it was discovered that a hair that had been found underneath a ligature on Michael Moores nude body, belonged to Terry Hobbs. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. He was still wearing the same shirt and tie when he was spotted at approx. After the boys were attacked and stripped of their clothes, they were tied up. Is it just a coincidence that Buddy mentions that the boys were hit on the back of the head, and that, unknown to the public, all three were in fact hit in the back of the head? The West Memphis Three case has been an unfinished puzzle for over twenty years, but if you go back through the years and find all the little pieces and begin to put them together, I believe that you will have your answers about what happened that night; the puzzle is complete and it is undeniable. Really?? Hobbs was calling loudly at the children and ordering them to return to his house. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. Basically, the truth was overshadowed by stories of cults and devil worshipping put into Aarons head by his mother and the West Memphis detectives, Bryn Ridge and Gary Gitchell. HE SAID NO, THERE, YOU KNOW YOU CAN TELL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LYING AND IT WAS LIKE HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP. For the latest true crime and justice news,subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. Apparently, Stevie had injuries to his penis that he believed were self inflicted. Before I go over the timeline of how the day of May 5th 1993 might have unfolded, there is available evidence that is extremely pertinent to understanding what happened that day. This means that by the time the four men would have attacked, stripped and tied up the boys, it would have only been somewhere around 7:30 at night. LG, as well, had raised some suspicions himself by carrying on an unusual relationship with a much older man. Hobbs was sentenced to six months in prison for aggravated assault. Tragically, for all involved, no one seemed interested or would return their calls. The most significant of them all, was the specific act of taking the bikes to the bayou, which were very likely with the children inside the Blue Beacon Woods. A month later three teens, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley were arrested for the murders of the three eight year old boys. Cookie Notice UM, AND I WENT UP AND TALKED TO MS. MOORE AND SHE GOT AARON OUT OF CLASS. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. Sex always wins and a casual look through history will show that people are gonna get off to what they need to get off to. It is much more plausible that Stevie would have come home not much later than the time he was originally supposed to be there and that he made it home not much later than dinnertime. I still think about it regularly. So, here is my theory of what happened. ADVERTISEMENT This case is so terrifying. Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. I believe that inhismind, the boys deserved what they got because they shouldnt have been spying. 1. At 8:42, officer Meeks was dispatched to another call and left. In his first interview, taken shortly after the murders, he claims he went home in the early afternoon but then changes his story and puts himself in Lakeshore at 4:30. After he allegedly hit back, he thenreally had a motive to kill. He walked into the restaurant and went directly to the payphone. With all that in mind, I allege that Terry and Amanda returned home a little after 5pm. Now why would Narlene go to such lengths to lie and basically accuse her niece and her neices boyfriend of murder? His father, Joe Dean Hobbs, was a minister at the Apostolic Pentecost Church. I highly doubt it. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. As Brent Turvey wrote in his profile of the criminal, the man who perpetrated this act against Christopher is a closet homosexual who carries shame about his homosexual tendencies. This statement proves- indisputably- that Jacoby lied. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. The reason for this is that is that there is an abundance of evidence that shows the three are innocent and at the same time, there is some circumstantial evidence that shows they may be guilty. Even Terry said they usually ate dinner before Pam left for work (2). As noted earlier, the autopsies revealed that Michael was quickly incapacitated with a few defensive wounds to the hands, which implied to the Medical Examiner that Michaelwasin fact the first one to be attacked. When they returned the four men continued to submerge the boys clothes with sticks and, finally, hastily threw the last items of clothing in the water as it grew dark. If the boys truly had interrupted the men in the middle of a sex act, then it would be understandable why there were sexual overtones to their murder. (Interestingly, Chris was referred to as the 3rd child in the alleged confessions. He dropped by the other parents home at the first chance he got, made an appearance and a statement that implied hed been out looking for the kids. -5:00 Terry Hobbs drops Pam off at work and returns home What happened next is a theory supported by evidence and interviews. They then went and dumped the boys bicycles into the bayou, cleaned up the area and left by dark. Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. I believe it is because the truth had finally and for the very first time, been exposed. A and B represent Chris and Michaels home and the C on the map on the right represents Stevies home. Especially considering that they are remembering this event 18 years later for one, and for two, there were multiple sightings of the boys from 6pm-6:30 on the street beside the woods, quite a ways away from the Hobbs home, as well as the woods themselves. Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. RIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS? You have to remember that during this time these two men were quite young, mid twenties/mid thirties and they had just gotten off of work, they had Davids wife Bobby to watch the kids, Pam was at work and Stevie was playing with his friends and wouldnt be back till 8pm. The photo on the left is Stevies bitemark and the photos on the right are other known bitemarks. It remains unsolved in the minds of those who feel the West Memphis Three defendants are innocent. That makes sense to me. Yet, when Jared asked about the evidence possibly being tested in the future, Hobbs said he was against testing anything else and as far as he was concerned, the case was solved when Echols, Misskelly, and Baldwin were arrested. He then told the others to Get them, fuckers! WE NEED TO GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE. NARLENE: He (Lg) said, if you start saying that about Damian, youre going to get in trouble, I said, well, the mommy is up there saying stating that he was, Damian was with her all the time. The most likely answer is that Stevie, Chris and Michael were playing behind Jamie Ballards home probably right around 5:00 as they headed on there way to Stevies house. He admits that they would go to the woods and hide either behind a tree or in their clubhouse, wait for a group of men to arrive, and then spy on them. Ive thought about this in length and I think I understand what may have occurred. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. The Puzzle of the West Memphis Murders The use of hobbling helps to quickly control the animal as well as making transportation of the animal more easy. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Why didnt Terry search for Stevie at the Moores? According to Pam Hicks, Terry was wearing shorts that afternoon. Also, although this may seem insignificant, Anthony Hollingsworth, LGs cousin, made a statement in May of 1993 that LG acts like he is gay. WM3 Defense Team Unveils New Evidence Against Victim's Step-Father - KATV (1) Its possible that the by the time the men could have entered into the woods, the three eight year old boys were already there hiding. (1). According to Michaels autopsy report, the injuries to his head support the belief that he was hit with something that had a relatively sharp edge that caused three lacerations to the left side of his head. It is my opinion that the answers to many of the questions of what happened that night, will be answered here.
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