Wir wollen, dass Sie sich für die WWU entscheiden! Die Arbeitsleistung wird bei der alternierenden Telearbeit teilweise am häuslichen Arbeitsplatz und teilweise an der WWU Münster erbracht. Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Zvilprozesrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht. Get ready for vocational training in an exciting and diversified working environment! We provide training, information and one-on-one consultation on all matters related to career guidance, searching and applying for jobs, and choosing your first job. Doctoral studies; Postdocs; Tenure Track; Top of page. Mehr zu Programmen für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen. Entdecken Sie 600.000+ Stellenangebote bei Top-Unternehmen. For Employers. The University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, WWU) is a public university located in the city of Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. Die Universität Münster ist mit rund 45.000 Studierenden und 7.115 Beschäftigten eine der gröÃten Hochschulen Deutschlands. University of Münster. University bicycles are available if you need a pair of wheels to reach a meeting or appointment during your work day. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. Together with the University Hospital Münster (UKM), the WWU Münster is the largest employer in Münsterland. WWU Münster’s research profile is marked by a considerable number of research focal points of proven excellence – in the humanities (including the theological faculties) law, business administration, natural sciences, mathematics and medicine. Sie können an der WWU aber nicht nur studieren, sondern auch eine Berufsausbildung mit Perspektive absolvieren. Alle Akteure des Personal- und Gesundheitsmanagements an der WWU arbeiten hierfür in einem kooperativen Austausch und tragen dazu bei, dass Gesundheitsförderung in allen Bereichen der Hochschule etabliert wird. Als partnerschaftliche Arbeitgeberin sehen wir uns verantwortlich für gesunde Arbeitsbedingungen und ausgeglichene, zufriedene und motivierte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. University of Münster 4 Jahre Teaching Assistant University of Münster Feb. 2017 –Heute 4 Jahre. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse an der Universität Münster. 3 Postdoc Positions (100% E13 TV-L) and 16 Positions for Doctoral Students (75% E13 TV-L) Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets (TRR 170) is a Transregional Collaborative Research Center located in Münster and Berlin (Germany). Renowned businesses from all over Germany participate in this exhibition – from SME to global corporation. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Professor Dr. Martin Artz Full Professor Room: J 368 Phone: +49 251 83-21372 Fax: +49 251 83-21373 mac@wiwi.uni-muenster.de. Jobs and vacancies. Computer Graphics. Jobs; Hauptnavigation: Forschung; Lehre; Organisation; Kolloquien; Graduate School; Sprache: Institut für Biochemie Corrensstr. 31 University of Münster jobs in Germany. Studium und Familie für Beschäftigte und Studierende an der WWU erreicht. For Employers; Unlock Employer Account; Sign In to Employer Center; Post a Job; Employer Branding ; Job Advertising; Employer Blog; Talk to Sales; Post Jobs Free; Write Review; Sign In. Falls Sie bereits an der WWU beschäftigt sind, lohnt auch ein Blick auf die intern ausgeschriebenen Stellen: Stellenangebote an der WWU (intern) Für uns ist der vertrauensvolle Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern sehr wichtig. The University of Münster has held the "audit family-friendly university" certificate since 2008. The qualification programme "Women in University Management" prepares women for their future responsibilities in university management. With some 45,000 students and 7,115 employees, the University of Münster is one of Germany's largest universities. Aktuelle Stellenangebote. Die WWU Münster ist bekannt für Spitzenforschung und hochwertige Lehre in einem äuÃerst lebenswerten Umfeld. Search job openings, see if they fit - company salaries, reviews, and more posted by University of Münster employees. Generell berücksichtigen wir die persönlichen Interessen unserer Beschäftigten und geben ihnen den gröÃtmöglichen Spielraum bei ihrer Arbeitszeitgestaltung. What many do not know, however, is that aside from researchers and academics, there are 1,800 other employees from a wide range of professional groups – computer experts, businesspeople, craftsmen and lab technicians – who all work behind the scenes to ensure that research activities and academic operations run smoothly. [, Centre for Teaching in Higher Education [. The individual commitment counts above all. Team; Full Professor . As part of the re-certification process, the University has now assumed lasting responsibility as a family-friendly university. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities. Dabei verfolgen wir einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bestehend aus Arbeitsgestaltung, Personalentwicklung und Gesundheitsförderung. Depending on one's department or field of activity, our staff can take advantage of various working time models, e.g. Für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen bietet die WWU mit Erstklassig! University Positions is a leading academic career portal for Scientists, Researchers, Professors and lecturers in Europe University of Münster | 55,914 followers on LinkedIn. Job étudiant Münster Soyez le premier à partager une offre d'emploi à Münster! Die WWU bietet ihren Beschäftigten ein Job-Ticket an, das eine vergünstigte Nutzung von Bussen und Bahnen in den Verkehrsgemeinschaften Münsterland und Ruhr-Lippe ermöglicht. : +49 251 83-33030 Fax: +49 251 83-33206 bc@uni-muenster.de. An unserer Universität gehört die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben zur Lebensqualität. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at University of Münster. On our job market you can find a variety of suitable job offers. ), the University of Münster offers female junior researchers and post-docs a career path to professorship. Contact. Der Erfolg unserer Universität in Forschung und Lehre hängt von unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern ab. That's the job of our regional distribution centres, matching supply and demand 24/7. Job offers Food & Drink Student canteens Mensa am Aasee Mensa am Ring Da Vinci Bispinghof Mensa Steinfurt Bistros Oeconomicum KaBu Denkpause Frieden PI Catholic University of Applied Sciences Friesenring Cafés Viva Hier und Jetzt Sustainability Quality How to pay Contact Accommodation Types of accommodation Single rooms – Münster Studio flats – Münster Multi-room flats […] Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Best Cities for Jobs 2020; Salaries; Interviews; Salary Calculator; Account Settings. Customer Assistant Candidate Pool, Munster Lidl. An dieser Stelle haben wir alle wichtigen Informationen zu Praktika, zur Ausbildung und dem Arbeiten an der WWU gebündelt. The University of Münster (WWU) owes its success in research and teaching to its committed, experienced staff. Was viele nicht wissen: Neben den Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern sorgen im Hintergrund knapp 1.800 Beschäftigte aus verschiedensten Berufsgruppen â von Fachinformatikern über Kaufleute bis hin zu Handwerkern und Laboranten â für einen reibungslosen Forschungs- und Studienbetrieb. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” at the WWU Münster – University of Münster, Germany. In return, we expect you to help us create further awareness of the excellent and family-friendly research possibilities at the WWU. Data Visualisation. The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. We work together with many companies in Münster, the Münsterland, and throughout Germany. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. With this model, employees complete a portion of their work from home and the rest at the University. Seit März 2004 bietet die WWU Münster die alternierende Telearbeit als flexible Arbeitsform für ihre Beschäftigten an. The career fair addresses students of all faculties of Bei Bedarf erhalten Sie ein Dienstrad, welches Sie während des Arbeitstages zu Ihren Terminen begleitet. An (fast) jedem Dienstort stehen ausreichend kostenlose Abstellplätze für Ihr Rad oder den Pkw zur Verfügung. the multifaceted and needs-oriented sports and preventive exercise courses in the University Sports programme, the health promotion programme "Nutrition - Movement - Relaxation" by the In-house Medical Service of the University Hospital Münster (UKM), and many other health-related support services offered in various facilities. The University of Münster (WWU) owes its success in research and teaching to its committed, experienced staff. The University of Münster knows that balancing one's career and private life is key to enjoying a good quality of life. Account Settings; Sign In; Notifications. Münster Area, Germany Courses:. More information about programmes for female junior researchers, Job openings for professors, administrators and managers, academic staff, pupils and students: Please consult the current job advertisements of the University of Münster for academic, non-academic and administrative staff. Alle Jobs in nur einer Suche. Here you will find general information, job advertisements, work placement announcements, training programme openings and administrative services. The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the proportion of women academics. Die Radstation an Münsters Hauptbahnhof sorgt dafür, dass Sie jederzeit mobil sind und bietet Ihrem Rad ein Zuhause. Darüber hinaus unterstützt das Qualifizierungsprogramm âFrauen managen Hochschuleâ Frauen bei zukünftigen Aufgaben im Hochschulmanagement. In this section, we provide extensive information about work placements, training programmes and employment opportunities for staff and students of the University of Münster. For more information, visit the Family Portal of the University of Münster [de]. An dieser Stelle haben wir alle wichtigen Informationen zu Praktika, zur Ausbildung und dem Arbeiten an der WWU gebündelt. [de], For more information, visit the Family Portal of the University of Münster [, Please consult the current job advertisements of the University of Münster for academic, non-academic and administrative staff. Das Zertifikat âaudit familiengerechte Hochschule" trägt die Universität Münster bereits seit 2008. he University of Münster actively supports its junior researchers as part of its academic personnel development strategy. The University of Münster is renowned for its cutting-edge research and high-quality teaching in an extremely pleasant working and living environment. 28 likes. During the certification process, all University groups were involved in implementing many small and larger changes which improved the compatibility of career/study and family life for all staff and students of the University of Münster. Office Management . The Careers Service will help you to make the transition from higher education to employment. (First Class! For further information, please contact the head of the project Dr. Adelheid Korb-Pap (korba@uni-muenster.de). The WWU is part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, a society of Germany's leading research universities. Thank you very much for your interest in the University of Münster. Consequently, the University of Münster offers an extensive range of health promotion and maintenance services, e.g. The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the proportion of women academics. Beachten Sie die aktuellen Stellenausschreibungen der Universität Münster in Wissenschaft, Verwaltung und Technik. Jetzt bewerben! For staff members who have children or family members in need of care, this option represents a viable solution for meeting the obligations of one's career and familial responsibilities. Female candidates with equivalent qualifi cations and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities. Not only can you study at the University of Münster, but also gain vocational training which can lead to promising career opportunities. Si vous êtes une entreprise ou une personne qui cherche à embaucher des étudiants, par exemple une baby-sitter à Münster, une au pair à Münster, traducteurs natifs, professeurs de langue en Münster, etc... publiez votre offre d'emploi ! Search job openings at University of Münster. 03.07.2020 . Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Der Erfolg unserer Universität in Forschung und Lehre hängt von unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern ab. Looking for a job as a student assistant, interested in an internship during the holidays or just starting your career after you graduate? Karriere an der Universität Münster. All management-level staff at the University of Münster are committed to achieving this goal by engaging in constructive dialogue and working to ensure that health promotion is established in all areas of the University. WiRe - Women in Research at WWU Programme Join the WWU within a self-chosen timeframe of 1 to 6 months, explore our excellent research and development possibilities as well as the city itself and its facilities for accompanying family members. Diese MaÃnahme bietet insbesondere den Beschäftigten mit Kindern und pflegebedürftigen Angehörigen eine weitere Möglichkeit, den Beruf und die familiären Pflichten zu vereinbaren. Cork, County Cork, Ireland Not Disclosed Permanent | Full Time 21 Dec. For our Customer Assistants, quality is not just a passion, it's a way of life! We generally take the personal interests of our staff into account and provide them with as much freedom to schedule their working hours as possible. With its mentoring programme "Erstklassig!" The health of our staff is the basis for a long-term productive career. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. Job Opportunities at University of Münster. Jobs - Uni Münster. Sie ist zusammen mit dem Universitätsklinikum der gröÃte Arbeitgeber des Münsterlandes. As a cooperative employer, we strive to cultivate a wholesome working environment which makes for a well-balanced, satisfied and motivated staff. 29 University of Münster jobs including salaries, ratings, and reviews, posted by University of Münster employees. We hope you choose the University of Münster! Research University Jobs in Münster. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at University of Münster, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Career opportunities at the University of Münster. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Rejecting the notion of working and studying despite having children with the more positive idea of working and studying while raising children, the University has explicitly demonstrated its desire to anchor and continue developing family-friendly working, research and study conditions. Jobs; University of Münster; School of Business and Economics; Accounting Center; en; de; Home. Von den facettenreichen und bedarfsorientierten Kurs- und Präventionsangeboten des Hochschulsports über das gesundheitsfördernde Programm "Ernährung - Bewegung - Entspannung" des Arbeitsmedizinischen Dienstes des Universitätsklinikums bis hin zu den vielfältigen Unterstützungsangeboten der verschiedenen Einrichtungen - den Beschäftigten der WWU steht ein breites Angebot zur Förderung und zum Erhalt der eigenen Gesundheit als Grundlage ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit zur Verfügung. You will find that most facilities on campus offer a sufficient number of parking spaces for bikes and cars. Find jobs in Münster. Schnell zum neuen Job. In March 2004, the University of Münster introduced an alternating teleworking model as a flexible form of employment. An exciting opportunity exists for postdoctoral researchers to fill up to three positions from 1 October 2019 within the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics. The University of Münster provides its staff a "Job Ticket" which entitles them to a discount when using public transport operated by the Münsterland Ruhr-Lippe Transport Authority.
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