Era un artista que sealaba el valor del arte al hacerlo desaparecer. Yo estaba muy nervioso. He thought the police would understand even less. In this case, I have chosen correctly, even though I still do not know which Welsh word is Good and which is morning. Also, for all I knew, Goodbye in Welsh is also two words. Martina Castro: So, on his first day of work as a journalist in this new city, Rodrigo decided to ask Jorge Comas for an interview. Rodrigo Soberanes: Jorge prepar sndwiches de mayonesa y jamn. All Language Resources is an independent review site. Youll notice that many popular Asian languages are missing. The Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Necesitaba un equipo de Veracruz en la primera divisin. Martina: Thank you so much for calling in Allie! But whats really exciting about grammar rules is that they are there to help people communicateand to do so really efficiently. Martina: The newscaster announced that a famous statue had been stolen from the Museum of Fine Arts! It currently has 288 stories, 9 packs of audio lessons, and a massive library of podcasts. They offer courses for learning a range. The stolen statue was one of many pieces in Chiles first exhibition of Auguste Rodin, whos considered the father of modern sculpture. Alternatively, taking regular classes from a tutor on italki is a great way to complement either of these resources. This story was produced by "Ado" or Antonio Daz Oliva, a Chilean writer and translator based in Chicago. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. The big takeaway is that lo (and la, los, and las) are direct objectsthe verbed nounsand le (or les and sometimes se) are indirect objects, which play an additional essential role in a situation when the verb calls for it. Many journalists interviewed him, but he felt they misrepresented his side of the story. Luego llam a un taxi y llegu a mi casa con la escultura en la mochila. Martina: Surprisingly, Emilio agreed to meet him. Cristbal was proud of his first film. Yo pagu las cervezas esa noche y l no par de rerse. Sergeeo, comountaller and artesmediales under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License from Cristbal: Me dijo que empez a interesarse en el arte por el valor que tiene, por cmo se organiza en museos y lo fcil que puede desaparecer. Martina: It was the morning of June 17, 2005 and Cristbal Valenzuela was having a hard time focusing on anything besides the television. Martina: The whole country was in a state of shock. Emilio escuch en silencio y luego dijo que iba a pensarlo. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to a special season of the Duolingo Spanish Podcast. Rodrigo Soberanes: Cuando tena 11 aos, el ftbol era mi vida. Its obvious that the scene is about exchanging money, but we need more information to know what role Lucy and the banker are playing information that we get from Spanish pronouns! But he realized that his message was not coming across to the general public. Luckily, you can click on the words of a sentence to see a translation. All things considered, I am not buying Duolingos other claim about its mission, namely, To develop the best education in the world and make it universally available (Crown Levels: A Royal Redesign). Both platforms lessons have you do things like matching pictures to words, translations, organizing sentences, and so on. In front of him, sitting in the middle of the patio, is a ruin with a square base and a round structure on top. Unfortunately, if youre the type who likes to dabble in multiple languages, Babbel probably isnt the best option; their subscriptions only give you access to one language at a time. Would everyone notice and talk about it? You can read our full review of Babbel here. These short, fun dialogues get you reading and listening to conversational language. Emilio: Ocult el verdadero motivo. Cristbal: No lo encontr en redes sociales. Im your host and executive producer, Martina Castro. Most exercises are pretty similar: theres lots of translating, matching pictures to words, and some listening practice. She uses lo to signal that the money is the direct object, that it is whats given. The target phrase was capitalized, so I kept Good and Goodbye and discarded good because the capital letter makes Good seems more likely than good. Bore da is also two words, so I decide on a two-word answer in English: Good morning. Choosing a two-word translation in the L1 for a two-word phrase in the target language is one instance of linguistic transfer, a common strategy employed by language learners to fill in gaps in their communicative competence. Eso no quiere decir que no estn interesados en ti. Emilio: Era el cuerpo de una mujer. Another issue involves the types of sentences that Duolingo teaches. He had a quick drink, but soon slipped outside and met up with a friend near the museum. Martina Castro: And every once in awhile, theyd go out and eat tacos for free at restaurants where Jorge was still recognized as a famous soccer star. Another aspect that Duolingo learners complain about is that some people are in it more for the game than the language, and so search for shortcuts to make more points or XP, as the game calls them. If you are persistent, follow the instructions and complete the minimum daily activity, you will speak the language, Guarantee! Martina: At the time Cristbal was a film student and like many Chileans back in 2005, he was fascinated by the art heist. Duolingo is best for casual learners who may want to dabble in a few different languages, may struggle with staying motivated, or arent willing to spend money. Martina: Later, with the help of his attorney, Emilio confessed and admitted that he had committed the robbery. Era ms bien una historia policial con un poco de comedia y un toque de absurdo. Lo busqu y lo busqu, pero no encontr nada en la web, as que fui a nuestra universidad. A qu hora te duchas? On Duolingo, Spanish learners can study in lots of different ways. Le dije que yo no era periodista, sino un director de documentales y que habamos estudiado en la misma universidad. But the foundation refused after they read his script. She is an expert in language learning, bilingualism, and data analysis. Pero a Jorge no le importaba. After deeply analyzing Duolingo and Mondly, we feel it is a close call between the two. The local government wanted the neighborhood kids to meet the players, but this took place just weeks after Rodrigo hurt his leg. If they are not interested, they should resign from their posts. Thanks for the useful post, Im actually using Duolingo mainly because its free. Each day for just over a month I downloaded a different course and tried it out, journaling my impressions along the way. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Duolingo does also offer a premium plan, but most people would be happy with the free version. Emilio: Yo no senta que estaba robando algo, no me senta un ladrn. Italian For learners around the world, 2021 wasn't the return-to-normal we had been envisioning since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. La conversacin fluy sin interrupciones y yo la grab toda. Some important words may be first introduced with pictures, but others will show up for the first time in an exercise where youre supposed to translate a sentence. Martina: Emilio considered the theft of the statue a performance. He believed he was making a statement about art, and its value. Why is it lo and not le? Georgetown University Press, 1992. The exercises arent particularly hard, and youll probably be able to fly through most of them. But, of course, to do that, Cristobal would have to talk with the mastermind himself the art student, Emilio. And Emilio says he felt the movie changed how people viewed him. The Duolingo system reflects at least in part the ideas of Stephen Krashen, whose input hypothesis, despite having received some criticism, has influenced many language learning programs in the U.S. today. Rule Seeker. As a last resort, Rodrigo reached out to Jorges ex-teammates from Los Tiburones Rojos. I am really struggling to understand how to determine whether to use lo or le. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Emilio Fabres is a visual artist also living in Santiago. Brent Wolter on Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). World Englishes, Georgia Institute of Technology, 13 Mar. Both platforms are a good way to get started learning a language, though I personally prefer Babbel. Even if its just five or ten minutes a day, creating a daily study habit is essential for learning a language. And the crowd of 200 people cheered, giving him a standing ovation. You can read our full review of Duolingo here. The fact that its completely free to use has opened up language learning to people all over the world, regardless of their economic situation. But one of the superpowers of pronouns in Spanish is they also give us extra information about what's happening in a given situation. Emilio: Termin mi carrera en la universidad y comenc a trabajar como asistente de artista. Martina: Let's go back to June 16, 2005, the night of the robbery. By Duolingo on Thu 07 Dec 2017. Duolingo Spanish stories Duolingo's Spanish stories are designed to improve your reading, listening and speaking. I am currently in the Sapphire League, thank you very much, and I am not going back to the Gold League. Unfortunately, a subscription only gives you access to one language. Thats when he explained to the authorities that the statues disappearance had all been part of an artistic performance. Rodrigo Soberanes: Un da cualquiera baj al departamento 7 y Jorge ya no estaba. WhileBabbel is one of the most popular online language-learning resources, it has nowhere near as many users as Duolingo. This allows us to build unique systems and uncover new insights about the nature of language and learning (Research). This article appeared on our site in 2019 and is now being republished here as part of a website makeover. Back in the day, you could also use them to practice your speaking. Rodrigo Soberanes: Nos volvimos amigos. Instead, youll learn to say things that youll actually need. Martina Castro: During the years Jorge Comas was Rodrigos neighbor, Rodrigo made a documentary about him. La here refers to la lana and tells us that the money is what is given, and se refers to Lucy, telling us that shes the indirect object, the receiver. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Narrator & Protagonist: Cristbal Valenzuela and Emilio Fabres, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Antonio Romero, Episode 94: The Rodin Thief - Art Mysteries, Episode 6. Emilio: Vi el Torso de Adele que todava estaba sobre mi escritorio. Cristbal: En su defensa, l dijo que era una performance artstica, no un crimen. Recuerdo que una vez escrib: El mundo est lleno de obras de arte, qu ocurrira si ese arte desaparece?. In fact theres a japanese teaching method called Kumon that is based in repetition, it can be tedious but I can assure its effective, specially with the basics. Im your host, Martina Castro. Everybody was talking about the mysterious thief, or ladrn. The results of the 2021 Duolingo Language Report clearly show that learners continue to turn to languages to build bridges with cultures and people, across distances we can't quite traverse in personyet. As per the Crunchbase report, Duolingo raised $183.3M of the total in over 9 rounds. I personally prefer this method as it makes it easier for me to achieve a deeper understanding of the language as a whole. For example, we might imagine that Lucy went to the bank yesterday, and Eddy and Lin are talking about it! Our production manager is Romn Frontini. The good news is that Babbel is one of the most affordable language-learning platforms around. Cristbal: Yo quera conocerlo para hablar de sus motivaciones, pero despus del caso, Emilio no quiso hablar con nadie y desapareci. They felt a thrill. The games are designed to help you learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and they're a fun way to practice what you've learned. Prospective users of this app would be well served if they would keep, as I do, a dictionary and a good grammar book about the target language on hand, and find friends to consult and converse with in that language as well. Nothing in the English indicates which gender should be used. Yo no era un ladrn; no quera vender la escultura. Most of the material is taught simply through repetitive exercises. Me cont unas historias y me confes algunos secretos tambin. In this post, we share everything you need to know about learning Spanish with Duolingo: how to get started, our favorite tips and tricks, and all the learning tools you get, all for free. But hold on, whats going on with that le gust part? In English, to signal that a word is the direct object, we generally put it right after the verb (I saw him). We are so happy that our podcast is helping you practice your Spanish! The app approximates a learners proficiency level or i at the beginning of each course by providing a diagnostic test. Nobody does as good a job as Duolingo at keeping you motivated and coming back to study each day. But finally, he got a lucky break. Emilio: Decid que lo mejor era ir a la polica, y confesar. Martina Castro: Even though Rodrigo was obsessed with soccer, there was one problem: In the state of Veracruz, where Rodrigo grew up, there wasnt a division one team. It makes learning more fun and less intimidating. Y de los hbitos de Choncho, su gato gigante que llenaba el departamento de pelos. Martina Castro: Rodrigo stopped being as interested in the soccer stories and became more curious about how Jorges wife ended up leaving him, and how he went from being a soccer star to living such a solitary life. Jorge, el solitario del departamento 7, volvi a ser Comas, el gran dolo de mi infancia. Hebrew These are not language lessons; they're life lessons . b. no me interesa. We also offer full transcripts at Hungarian Check out our other articles about learning Spanish on and off the app. Qu pasa si una obra es robada, o es sacada de contexto? You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at They start with the, Babbel and Busuu are two of the most popular online language learning tools with millions of users between them. Cristbal: Todas las teoras eran incorrectas. Martina: After he finished his sentence, Emilio restarted his life. One day, the whole team went to Xalapa, the capital of the state of Veracruz and the city where Rodrigo lived. A tool like Mango Languages could be a good alternative worth considering. That does not mean that they are not interested in you. Una justificacin del robo de arte. Because of the way that the Skillsare organized, youll likely end up learning some fairly obscure vocabulary before more important essentials. Each Unit Guidebook offers tips about vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation, as well as a roundup of key phrases! And this is where English speakers who are learning Spanish can get mixed up. Hello, learners! Vietnamese The story itself is fabulous and the way the Spanish is presented is great because even if you don't completely understand every part of it you get the gist of it and then what the English person, Martina, adds, just kind of confirms it. Learn Spanish in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Sometimes in English the subject, direct object, and indirect object pronoun all have the same form. / She liked my dress and I lent it to her. For sentences in some languages, it sounds as if each word was recorded individually as opposed to recording sentences as a whole. Yo estaba obsesionado. Martina Castro: It all started back in 1989, when Rodrigo was just 11 years old. Martina: Emilio was very nervous. Maybe Duolingo is finding the right balance of difficulty, or maybe they're focusing on growth hacking instead of making an effective learning product. Cristbal was very nervous. First, he told police that he had found the statue in a park near the museum. Click here for study materials for this episode. With others, I knew absolutely nothing, so I started from square zero, also known as the New to __________? button. Yo senta que deba hacer algo para resolver este misterio. He would dwell on details of arguments he had had, silly fights and acts of injustice. Rodrigo Soberanes: Cuando sub al departamento que rent, el nmero 8, alguien abri la puerta del departamento nmero 7. That meant he had to root for other teams when he watched games on TV, and it just wasnt the same. In either case, sentences can end up sounding extremely unnatural. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. To them, the missing statue was not a piece of performance art it was a robbery, plain and simple. Its the thing thats [verb]-ed in the situation. And le is a pronoun that stands in for the indirect object and announces, Are you looking for the noun impacted by the situation in an indirect way? My name is James Leow, and Ill be taking over the column this week to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: Spanish grammar. So if you're interested in playing some Spanish games and improving your language skills, Duolingo is the . Yo le habl sobre la vez que, cuando era nio, lo fui a visitar en el estadio de Xalapa, cuando me haba roto la pierna. Now, Rule Seeker, lets take what weve learned and try it on that sentence you shared: Le gust mi vestido y se lo prest. 1347. Cristbal: Era una estatua pequea de bronce, suave, de color negro, de unos cuarenta y cinco centmetros y que pesaba unos veinte kilos. You can practice the vocabulary from this first episode on Tinycards. Addendum:Since this article, Duolingo has made a few updates, one of which is especially noteworthy. Martina: At one point during the evening, Emilio had to go to the bathroom, which was in the basement. Second Language Acquisition. I'm not here to teach you how to learn a language - countless people are more qualified to do that than me. Tiempo despus, cuando empec a exhibir mis obras, Cristbal me encontr. After an hour and a half, the documentary was over. Ellos esperaban la confesin de un crimen y pensaban que yo iba a venderla o a intercambiarla por otra cosa en el mercado negro. Duolingo is best for casual learners who may want to dabble in a few different languages, may struggle with staying motivated, or aren't willing to spend money. The game aspect provides plenty of extrinsic motivation for learners who need an additional push to study. Rodrigo Soberanes: Yo lo escuchaba horas. Dije buenas tardes, pero creo que l no respondi. We wont send you spam. When I acquired a smartphone, I too downloaded the Duolingo app because I wanted to begin studying German again. He was attending a free art opening held after hours, hosted by one of his professors. Tuve que pasar muchos meses sin caminar porque mi recuperacin iba a tardar mucho. I hope you are getting as excited as I am about what the lo vs. le distinction means for communication: you can say so much with so little. Click here to download Duolingo and take that first step! Guidebook. Want to travel to South America in the coming months and would really like to start learning Spanish! I would love to know the hard and fast rules. Hosted by Martina Castro, co-founder of NPRs Radio Ambulante. We aspiring polyglots (or maybe polygluttons is a more applicable term) can cram ourselves with little bits of a lot of different things, which is perfect if we are not interested in acquiring fluency but rather knowing more about individual languages and learning a few words and key phrases in each. I'm not a super polyglot who speaks 20 languages. But when he went inside, he didnt check out the bamboo furniture or his view of the ocean. While Rosetta Stone and Fluenz may appear, Pimsleur and Fluenz are two language learning programs that are quite different. Martina Castro: But his friends? I'm a big fan of Duolingo. Martina Castro: A tropical town with a vibrant nightlifethe Port of Veracruz was a different world from where Rodrigo grew up. They, Michel Thomas and Pimsleur are two of the most famous language teaching courses available online. However, neither Duolingo nor Babbel is great at developing your speaking skills. The doorman of the building said he saw Jorge leave with a suitcase, but it wasnt like him to go on a trip on his own. Martina Castro: Like many kids growing up in Mexico, Rodrigo Soberanes had a hero, and his hero was a soccer star. Rodrigo was relieved and happy to hear these news. Chinese Reportero: La estatua de Rodin ha desaparecido, la polica se encuentra haciendo bloques de bsqueda. Two of the possible answers were names: Megan and Morgan; two of them were capitalized: Good and Goodbye; and two of them were not capitalized: good and morning. Logically, I eliminate Megan and Morgan right off the bat (nothing personal), mainly because of their lack of lexical usefulness. The speaker of the sentence was the lender, the dress was lent, and the speakers friend was another essential player: the borrower. He even started drawing it, until he fell asleep. I am simply doing what that learner has done and taking it to an extreme. ". Thai The Duolingo system reflects at least in part the ideas of Stephen Krashen, whose input hypothesis, despite having received some criticism, has influenced many language learning programs in the U.S. today. Jugaba al ftbol con mis amigos de la escuela en la semana, y jugaba contra otros clubes los sbados o domingos. Spanish pronouns take different forms depending on if they refer to direct objects or indirect objects (or subjects, too!). These short explanations help you focus your attention on the most important parts . Habl con varias personas y les pregunt si se acordaban del chico que haba robado la estatua. Duolingo is completely free, and Babbel starts at $12.95 per month. Martina: The art heist had caused a national scandal. Have you tried it yet? For those who struggle with motivation, this could make it a bit less fun and more challenging to study regularly. Rodrigo Soberanes: Conocer a mi dolo fue algo que yo no esperaba. Multiple/Polyglot I interpreted what I typed as, " They are not interested much in this." Martina Castro: They talked about what had changed in the years since the team had been successful and popular. It was a huge dealthe soccer team from his city, called los Tiburones Rojos, or the Red Sharks, had a very successful season. Martina Castro: Rodrigo would never forget that moment when he touched Jorge Comas arm. - No gracias, no me interesa. Martina: Heres the message we got from Allie: Allie: Hi there. Wolter, Brent. And they talked about art until dawn. It gives plenty of input, fortifies grammatical and lexical knowledge, and provides plenty of opportunities to practice reading and writing, though not nearly as much as it could listening and speaking. I believe they want this, and based on the number of people using the app, I would say that they are certainly reaching toward the universal availability objective. Alright, Rule Seeker, now that youre armed with some pretty in-depth knowledge of how direct and indirect objects work, lets take a step back and think about how English and Spanish are different. In fancy-schmancy table form, the verb give might look like this: On the other hand, the verb bedazzle would look like this: Now lets take a look at an example situation to make this a bit more concrete. If you try this with Duolingo, youre going to sound ridiculous. Overall, Duolingo and Babbel look very similar on the surface. Welcome to another week of Dear Duolingo, an advice column just for language learners. Gracias por escuchar! Pero recuerdo que logr tocar el brazo de Jorge Comas, aunque l a m no me vio. But by the next dayeverything was different. For learners of those languages, Id strongly recommend Lingodeer. Duolingo has also continued to develop other language courses, including Finnish, Scottish Gaelic, and Yiddish. But in this common mistake the learner is trying to use lo as the subject of the sentence, even though lo is a direct object pronoun. Check out all of the features and study tools right at your fingertips! I have a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, and in my research days, I was particularly interested in meaning and how grammar evolves over time as language users try to find new, efficient ways to pack a lot of meaning into small pieces of language. While Duolingo does have more than a few issues, its hard to complain about something thats free. He looked for him online, but had no luck. They were everything for him. They're both free, convenient, and make impressive claims about how well they teach foreign languages. Martina: Cristbal listened, enthralled, as Emilio opened up about the heist for the first time in years. But in the case of a verb like, say, bedazzle, there doesnt need to be any additional essential playerweve got the bedazzler (subject), the thing thats bedazzled (direct object), and thats it. Rodrigo Soberanes: Yo no conoca a nadie ah. Martina: Emilio quickly stuffed the statue in his backpack. Comprehensible input is language input around the learners proficiency level but involves what Krashen calls i + 1 (Ellis 47). Entre los invitados estaban muchas personas de la industria cinematogrfica. . Duolingo's Spanish course is a free, fun, and effective way to develop your speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills through short, bite-sized lessons. 2019. Nunca lo vi tan feliz. What time do we get up tomorrow? Cristbal: l acept verme aunque dijo que no tena muchas ganas de hablar sobre la escultura de Rodin. Babbels lessons are organized into modules with each module containing various lessons. Rodrigo Soberanes: l dijo que s. Our producers this season were Tali Goldman, Lorena Galliot, Caro Rolando, and Antonio Diaz Oliva. 1. Why werent the police releasing more details? Bellingham, Washington Area. Both lo and le are pronouns, which are words that stand in for or refer to nouns (you might remember a recent post from Dr. Cindy that explores pronouns in depth). And finally, in 2017, the film was finished. Puse el Torso de Adele sobre el escritorio de mi cuarto. Asking around on campus, his brother managed to get a phone number. You'll solve grammatical puzzles in special grammar units, where you'll focus on mastering bite-size chunks of grammar. Cristbal: Emilio respondi la llamada y, para mi sorpresa, acept hablar conmigo. Japanese Era el cuerpo de una mujer doblado hacia atrs. These are technical terms that grammar nerds like myself use to talk about the role that nouns are playing in a situation. I wanted to test out my first impression of Duolingo (the one I formed unfairly, of course before ever trying it out) as a language learning buffet by taking lessons in each of the languages it offers. To learn more about myself, the site, or our reviewing process. The teaching method is much more explicit and places more of an emphasis on conversational language than Duolingo, and its therefore a bit better for serious learners who want a stronger foundation and a deeper understanding of the language. So, Rodrigo thought maybe he had gotten into some trouble. Its also not that expensive, often less than $10 per hour of private classes. Would you like to try this moisturiser? One thing that I found to be really frustrating is the audio used in the Duolingo courses. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Meaning, the team from his city wasnt good enough to compete among the best in the country. English Martina Castro: After weeks of chatting, Rodrigo started to understand that the most intense parts of Jorges life had not been playing soccer in front of 25,000 screaming fans, but actually the experiences hed gone through with his friends. Oxford University Press, 1997. Llegu a la ciudad en un coche viejo y con tres bolsos. Martina Castro is co-founder of Radio Ambulante and CEO of Adonde Media, a bilingual podcast production company. Youll be picking up words and phrases without even feeling like youre studying! Welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast. The Duolingo team claims, With more than 300 million learners, Duolingo has the worlds largest collection of language-learning data at its fingertips.