Even CNET has plenty of articles about how to be productive, includingstaying on top of your exercise routine to cleaning your whole house. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. 0000088266 00000 n Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more. 6) If someone in the neighborhood needs help with their home, organize teams to clean, fix up, organize, reconstruct, etc. 1) Start a Church Books Only BOOK CLUB. Love it. The premise of laughter therapy is to start laughing for no reason, but fake laughter can turn into real laughter and ultimately it is to help let go of your inhibitions and be in the moment. Do you play an instrument? Your email address will not be published. The grounding practice can be helpful during Don't forget to take regular breaks throughout the day. The laughter club leader led us through a compliments exercise. 12) Combine efforts to find sale items to build food and home storage; encourage teams, groups, or friends to shop together for the best deals and brainstorm the best ideas for organization and maintenance. If you have the outdoor space, try growing vegetables, too. Crocheting is nice because it's a simple, repetitive activity that you can easily get totally absorbed in. Looking for a relief society activity idea? Always find a way to include your YW and Primary sisters. Take the time to relax while social distancing. WebRelief Society leaders plan Sunday meetings, activities, ministering, service, and other interactions to help women participate in the work of salvation and exaltation. Ask them about their lives. Hearing conflicting information from different health and public authorities can be stressful. Many women enter the temple independent of these two events some are college students, some are single working women, some are new converts, some are coming back into activity. i just dont think it had to be limited to blushing brides or potential missionaries. 1) Create a family Wall Hanging, Or Art Piece, that is meaningful to your family; include traditions, experiences, idiosyncrasies, etc.Share with your ward sisters and display it in your home. Things get saucy real quick and its a great way to show love and throw shade. Juli Coelho, 22, college senior, After writing and editing all day, the last thing I want to do is read a book (sry, its the truth!). Freaking! Great list but I was REALLY turned off by your temple showers definition. People who are quarantined due to exposure to someone who tested positive report a wide range of negative psychological effects including fear, confusion, nervousness, anger, grief, numbness, sadness, guilt, and difficulty sleeping due to anxiety. #cm7aH+AP0fPxBVY0n2%9'G Vj&ES]?.1XVLEZ0DL TDL##}vkg)L]2AR I')4T j4fB2\T6tPg4zpr3}G,cX1 6) Organize a support group for parents of troubled youth OR guide parents to the CHURCH SUPPORT GROUPS: Drug Rehab, LDS Social Services, Employment, etc. It has different kinds of trivia games that you play with friends. 0000002589 00000 n Third, the phrase Young Women who safeguarded their virtue implies that that those who have made mistakes dont or wont go to the temple. Organize Americas Got Talent having your ward perform. 10) VOLUNTEER your time (2-3 of you as partners) at your local Family History Center. Im so glad. WebMD says that regular expression of gratitudecan help lower stress levels and even improve your immune system. Think of someone who has done something you appreciate, and take a few minutes to write them a thank you note. Here are some activities you can do as a family to stay entertained during social isolation: Talk with a Senior Living Advisor Our advisors help 300,000 families each {TRSKl3E+Gm[*k_)*h. 627kE;U| Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has forced lots of people to stay at home and practice We're all dealing with a survival situation, whether that be emotionally, economically or physically, and we can't beat ourselves up if we don't use this time to perfect our lives. And ALWAYS leave on a positive, inspiring, and motivating thought. They did not sit back and let worldly things take over their lives. 0000086297 00000 n One exercise we were asked to do was pretend you are holding a rose and breathe in to smell the rose. The grounding practice can be helpful during these stressful times, and you don't have to jump into hour-long sessions right away -- some apps (like Headspace) have 1-, 3- and 5-minute guided meditation options. 0000028592 00000 n Some of the laughter exercises are designed to mimic everyday activities. 0000079569 00000 n 0000075764 00000 n 11) We live in a throwaway society, and as a result, many of us suffer from financial problems. When I offer some of the ideas Ive come up with for this site, to those friends who seem to have no vision, some of the comments I get back are, Oh, that wouldnt work, Not enough sisters come, We like to keep things simple. It breaks my heart to hear the RS President wont go for anything like that, or worse, the bishop just wants us to socialize and befriend some of the new sisters. There is a vision in Relief Society that must take hold for sisters to realize we dont have to go it alone in our own homes; we have Relief Society to help us, train us, and inspire us to do better. Hopefully, you will see something that will in some way involve all of your sisters, making them feel needed, productive, and spiritual. 0000037469 00000 n Related News COVID-19 Anxiety The health, financial and psychological impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented and at this point, includes a lot of Thanks for sharing. These are typically held at the church and are a wonderful opportunity to visit, learn, share and gather together. Members of the Relief Society and elders quorum work in unity to accomplish this work. 10) Ask your stake or ward leaders what service may be rendered to members: Form Service Groups, classes, consultations, support, etc.. Uncertainty plays a large role in the fearthere are fears for ones own health and fears of infecting others. Researchers found that the longer the quarantine, the harder it is. If you have extra food or medical supplies (masks, gowns, hairnets, gloves, face shields, eye goggles), consider donating to local food pantries and hospitals, which are running very low right now. programs, they served constantly, they learned how to do things that had never been done before, or found a better way. Confinement leads to a loss of the usual routine, changes in social and physical contact with others, and an increased sense of isolation. We continued to do this for a word with every letter of the alphabet. 0000076254 00000 n If your friends and family are local, meet them for a coffee, walk, or run while practicing physical distancing guidelines. Sleep is crucial for your immune system. avoiding making eye contact. 5) Discuss Conference talks pull out from the talks what weve been asked to do. Challenge and report on what youve done to obey. These women rolled up their sleeves and got to work helping, organizing, and building the Kingdom of God. 5. 0000038194 00000 n 12) Challenge yourself and members of your family (make it a friendly competition)a) read lessons ahead of time and participate, b) volunteer to head up an activity, c) ask for more people on your visiting teaching/home teaching route, etc. 0000031535 00000 n Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? 7) Organize a Writing YourPersonal History Class. How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, The Innate Intelligence Observed in the Dying Process. 6) Volunteer to LIVE OFF YOUR FOOD STORAGE for a period of time, or spend a weekend SURVIVING ON YOUR 72 HOUR KIT and report on what you learned. Thank you! Cute! 114 0 obj <> endobj xref Create a dinner group where you plan a weeks or months worth of dinners together. 2) Invite YW and Activity Day Girls, as often as you can, to teach them how to make these items, visit with them, and set a standard of excellence in charity work. At first the laughter club began by telling jokes, but you can only tell so many jokes. Excellent blog! 11) Try some Networkingshare concerns with one another in the likelihood that someone out there has some answers, or knows someone who does. Themed days were always the ones to look forward to at school and camp growing up, so my friends and I figured why not have a QuaranTHEME of the Day and include friends, family, and coworkers who are working/schooling from home, too! If you can feed your sisters the gospel in action, you will eventually be feeding an entire family, ward, neighborhood, community, and environment. Your diet can wait until this craziness is over. 6) How To Produce A Romantic Dinner Teach a classfrom cooking the meal (something modest, but special), to setting the table, to suggested music, to conversation. Or sit with a family with young children and offer a helping hand. 4) TEACH A PIANO, AND CONDUCTING, CLASS. Allow students to use their new skills in Sunday Relief Society, Young Womens, or Primary. Theres a schedule of QuaranTHEMES including Bed Sheet Met Gala, Views From My Sunday Stroll Pics, Wig/Wacky Hair Wednesday, Quarantine Kitchen Baked Goods Photos, All Dressed Up With No Where to Go, and a bunch more. And for someone who has purposely chosen to make themselves worthy to enter (no matter what their past was) is absolutely what should be celebrated. In the early days, when they had nothing, it was the sisters who rallied together to make it happen. 11) Discover what the song of redeeming love or the new song is, in the scriptures. This activity encourages you to take a deep breathe. We are likely agreeing with one another with a simple symantec problem. 0000085904 00000 n Following are a few activities you can use to take a break from your day to day routine, reflectand relax. WebMental Health Month Quarantine Edition. Can't think of one? Hint: Everyone will be able to sing it at the Coming of the Lord whether you can carry a tune or not. But know that we are all in this together, and we must continue to do what we can to help each other when we can. Adult coloring books (no, not that kind -- these are just slightly more advanced versions of children's coloring books) have been popular for a while now. 2) Form a group working their way through Preach My Gospel or Institute Manuals. The laughter club developed into a way of Good-Hearted living: After the concept of the laughter club was developed, the two founding members Dr. Kataria and Steve Wilson felt more was needed for the program to balance mind, body and spirit. See more ideas about relief society, relief society activities, lds relief society. During quarantine, facilitate the use of technology (e.g., phone and video calls, social media) to keep loved ones in contact with each other. It mostly talked about the history of laughter clubs and described some of the exercises. The typical answer is, Oh, not much. It sounds corny, but after 30 minutes working on our masterpiece we all notice how much calmer we are. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? If you can get your bishop to offer some kind of solid, spiritual, guiding, goal, or direction to follow, hold a meeting that will enrich the lives of the families around that goal. Getting your thoughts and worries down on paper can help you see them with clarity. There is something about breathing and mastering your breathe which can affect your postural strength and motor control. Staying at home during this unprecedented pandemic is essential. I like the idea of a temple shower. I have seen first hand with the power of exercise. 11) Work with the young Women to receiveYOUR Young Womans Recognition Award. We also laid starbursts around the table. Laughter Therapy Sounds a little silly right? Put on your apron and find a cooking tutorial to guide you through a recipe. I wish I had been taught that as a young woman and that wed teach that to young women more. I am wondering how I could be notified whenever a new post has been made. The sisters were innovative. 0000036510 00000 n Honestly I was a little skeptical when this idea was suggested in my relief society activities planning committee. We invite you to visit the Church's official websites at, Relief Society Monument ParkThe Virtuous Woman. Be generous. Its very unclear why everyone hasnt bought anchovies yet! Jessica Goodman, 29, Cosmopolitan op-ed editor, My workout buddy and I miss taking our classes IRL. 5) Home Industry Offer ideas, support, and know-how. Here are the nine most innovative ways people are hanging in the age of social distancing. Researchers found that women who are pregnant or those with young children need more support during this time as they may experience higher levels of fear and concern. 0000075345 00000 n For more information about the work of salvation and exaltation, study chapter 1. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? Stress, Loneliness, Overcommitment, and Lawyer Suicide Risk, 3 Tips to Improve Student Mental Health, New Study Shows Mindfulness Helps Prevent Depression, The Biggest Lie You've Been Told About Stress Relief, The Psychological Risks of Cancer Screening, You Need These 3 Ingredients to Build Stress Resilience, Catching Stress: Your Social World Can Be a Source of Stress. 9) Invite sisters to study up on various topics such as History of Relief Society, Suffrage, Relief Society Projects, Relief Society Presidents, etc. 11) Attend classes together offered by the Family History Library, or your local Family History Center. Make needed items for them. Learn More, Relief Society Activity Idea: Finding Joy in Christ and in Life with Laughter Therapy, Baby Shower Gift Idea: DIY 12 Month Onesies, Printable Alphabet Handwriting Practice Sheets for Kids, Free Printable Alphabet Coloring Pages for Kids, Best Water Brush Pen for Watercolor Crafts, Artists Loft Watercolor Dual Tip Marker [Review & Guide], 5 Best Papers For Brush Pens [Buying Guide], Mondays are for compliments.- A kind word often goes unspoken, but never goes unheard., Tuesdays are for flexibility- A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour., Wednesdays are for gratitude As you go through life, let this always be your goal: Keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole!, Thursdays are for kindness Kindness is like magic. If someone is in need of deeper, and more specific help, advise them to go to the bishop, or speak with the Relief Society President personally. Keep your mind sharp during quarantine by learning something new. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10) If your ward has a good mix of younger and older sisters, spend some time comparing then and nows, or try canning jam together, or create a grandma connection with the little ones. Clothing brand Paradised made and donated hundreds of non Thank you for access to your cute printable signs as well! New research published in the Lancet reveals the negative psychological impact of quarantine. As I explained already, these showers are for anyone who recognizes and achieves the distinction of the temple as a blessing in their lives, no matter how they got to the point of receiving that precious temple recommend. 0000059016 00000 n Try to find one activity a day that feels joyful and give yourself permission to do that. Turn on your favorite comedy, play a card game or board game with your family, or phone a friend. You can alsouse journalingas a way to identify unhelpful behaviors and process youranxietyin a healthier way. These are typically held at the church and are a wonderful opportunity to visit, learn, share and This content is imported from twitter. Electronics can get boring after a while and now is a good time to stretch your creative muscle. I have connected with new and old friends and witnessed the kindness of strangers and even corporations who rapidly are trying to donate food and supplies. These ideas can be in a meeting setting, added to a newsletter as a challenge, performed on a personal level, enjoyed by a very small group of people. I was a little tired from my day of watching my two young boys who certainly can be a handful. Anger, fear, worry, perfectionism, faultfinding, inflexibility and overwork. 0000028041 00000 n When you forgive, you dont change the past, you change the future, Weekends are for chocolate If youve got melted chocolate all over your hands, youre eating it too slowly!. For every letter of the alphabet we were to say three different statements using a word. Think conference calls, morning coffee, reading, etc. A main consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a reduction in mobility, with nearly all governments worldwide adopting restrictions on the internal and international movement of people in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus (Benton et al. 0000124529 00000 n Create a daily routine to add structure to your day so that you keep track of your stay at home on a calendar. Then teach each other your dances. But spirituality causes a persons heart to burn. Follow @AnxietyHealer for more Via @artsyaffirmations, A post shared by Anxiety Healer (@anxietyhealer) on Mar 25, 2020 at 3:00pm PDT. Welcome to Craft Her Way where I share helpful tips and inspiration on how to get crafty in your home. 0000078771 00000 n Because of Covid most Relief Societies have had to get creative when it comes to activities. 8) Sign up for a Welfare Assignment as a group of friends. Invite those youre sitting next to (whether you know them well or not is the whole point) and you all go together. You can also do jigsaw puzzles online, though I'd recommend trying to find a physical one first -- it's always helpful in times like these to unplug for a little bit. (Of course, this can be offered to anyone who is worthy of a temple recommend regardless of their past; their worthiness is a celebration.). 12) Help the YW visit people in a Retirement Home, interview them, and write down their history. 0000018105 00000 n Please do your sisters a favor and experiment with some of the ideas listed here. What a great activity for all sisters going the first time. With so many women in the Relief Society, it is hard to please everyone and to come up with activities that all will love. Something that I think is important to remember is that not everyone will like what is planned. You can only do your best when counseling together as a committee and deciding what the needs of your sisters are. 0000002554 00000 n The important thing about Relief Society is that we remember who we are. WebI'm currently the Head of Digital Learning, and Marketing & Finance Lead of LJMB or Learning Just Made Better -- an award-winning 16-year old Training-Consulting Company based in Makati, Philippines. 5) Dating Ideas Collect, from the ward, cheap or no-cost date ideas and make them all available on the ward website or page. 5) PRACTICE Emergency Situations climbing out of a burning house, turning off gas, setting up shelter, setting up and maintaining a porta potty, meeting at a specified location, organizing the church building as a shelter, etc. 0000001736 00000 n HW[k%~?u!K6 B:JVv{} |e|w{u?SDr{] QqOgwg]}z}Wn_zQ%{:nw_cg\=]=s'/go^C2.owo?~P^:%'..\S^g\=Ocp'Ox-O]9O,}]O7b}G98ywp|/|J|k}4ow__~Qa;,d-{;Yg{|{8/={" q~p7WDWc] Feel free to follow along or join in with me on IG, @Hkohen12. Harrison Kohen, 25, creative strategist. Self isolation challenge by @raffela_mancuso | Leave your answers in the comments below #iweigh #mentalhealthawareness, A post shared by I WEIGH (@i_weigh) on Mar 21, 2020 at 9:49am PDT. ,>TDvQ?\hMB?Ze We are preparing ourselves, our families, and the world for the Coming of the Lord. 0000038622 00000 n 0000002365 00000 n They have great free archived ones of different levels of difficulty, if anyone else wants to give them a go. Maya Stucky, 21, college senior, would like to officially endorse both 'tiger king' and the netflix party extension pic.twitter.com/dgc0Xi9eK7, Id like to personally thank Netflix Party for being one of the greatest inventions since the wheel. For this months activity we did laughter therapy with the theme Finding Joy in Christ. 6) Offer to HOST A PRIMARY ACTIVITY. 11) Designate a day to do humanitarian projects; Certain hours in the daytime, certain hours in the evening to include everyone. ; Reminders of Connectedness: A subtle way to induce kindness, particularly in kids. If you can get your bishop to offer some kind of solid, spiritual, guiding, 6) Organize a support group for parents of troubled youth OR guide parents to the, 9) Meet together to discuss a specific topic and allow open discussion , 10) Invite the YM and YW, and your husband, to attend a, 14) The Marriage Relations class has a Parenting section in it., 17) Brainstorm ways your ward can protect the family, then do something about it: FHE ideas, boycott any outside activity on Monday nights, create a, 1) Invite sisters to share their, 8) Pick one or two projects from my list of, 7) Take a small group to work at the manufacturing plants or farms owned by the church (you can call to volunteer outside of your typical ward assignments):, 9) If someone has a wheat grinder (and they dont mind sharing) have, 1) Have a committee who prepares kits for sisters to complete at home , 8) Take sack lunches to the city park, or shelter, to, 10) Ask your stake or ward leaders what. In hard times, remember the old adage: laughter is the best medicine. What a brilliant ideas I have just being called in stake president just want things to train sisters on love item gonna uply them. 10) Teach the YM how to sew on a button, fix a hem, plan and cook a meal, wash clothes, etc. She studies English at Cal Poly, and loves philosophy, Karl the Fog and a strong cup of black coffee. I know I am guilty of this especially in new situations where I sit with my arms closed and slumped posture which signals a closed off position where you are not inviting or welcoming to your surrounding. At the end of the night it's hard to tear myself away from the table -- I've already entered that state of flow and don't want to leave. 0000124264 00000 n Have a FASHION SHOW, or show and tell, to show off your great buys. 0000027641 00000 n I wish it would just say to hold a temple shower for those entering the first time. I, myself, have taken in many different situations, similar to what youve mentioned, keeping the sacredness and specialness intact. Another one for Humanitarian and Service is to host a Hunger Banquet with the community. During the COVID 2) Teach DI or Garage Sale shopping basics. Even with most gyms and recreational centers closed or on reduced schedules, it is important to find ways to exercise. Freaking! Spending a few minutes outside can help to increase your mood and give you a break from screens whether its your work screen or your cell phone. 4) Using everyone in the ward, FILM MOVIES OF SCRIPTURE STORIES, with costumes, props, the whole bit, then make a copy for everyone in the ward for FHE aids. ColorMe, a free app, is available for Android and iOS. Outdated Browser, Thrift Shop Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS), Marine Corps Reunion Toolkit and Resources, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month: Inclusive Play Spaces Across Marine Corps Installations, Learning Sportsmanship and Team Spirit Through Sports. Here are the common stressors during quarantine. 9) Learn some new songs in the hymnbook, and their story, and sing this testimony as a group of sisters. 13) Start a Mommys Group (not a kids group). For those entrenched in the world of children, let the kids play while the mommies learn something new; take an online class together or just talk (Talking will be the easiest, but learning together will be the most satisfying). 17) Brainstorm ways your ward can protect the family, then do something about it: FHE ideas, boycott any outside activity on Monday nights, create a neighborhood garden where everyone weeds and works together, fill your home with Mormon art made by yourself or others, etc. We have a work to do, so make sure your Relief Societies are working toward the Glory of the Son of God. This is challenging because so many areas are low on food supplies or food delivery might be slowed (as it is currently in New York City). Having said that, I offer this idea free for others to use as they see fit. On the table we used colorful plastic table cloths and for the centerpieces we used mason jars filled with skittles and licorice with a plastic ice cream scooper to help with scooping out the candy. | As you exercise and work to strengthen your body and improve your posture this helps improve overall body alignment and relieve pain which can help with your overall attitude. ), weve been FaceTiming every morning at 9 a.m. and doing at-home exercises together. Psychology Today. People who spend their time learning new things past childhoodshow greater overall wellbeingand better abilities coping with stress, according to the National Health Service. Thank you for your great ideas! Avoid checking the news or going online at night before sleep. So my friends and I decided to start a virtual book club to (a) feel like were being social and (b) actually get excited about reading. They can include non-members, singles, YW, young marrieds, the elderly, husbands, two people, or the entire ward. 0000004412 00000 n Or watch some of the great church, seminary, or scripture study videos available to us that we never have time to watch anymore. I really love how it is uncomplicated on my eyes as well as the facts is well written. For free online books, check out Google Books or Smashwords for work from independent authors and publishers. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. If you try any ideas please come back and share how it went. Your body posture can definitely influence your emotions. 1) Marriage Panel Ask long-marrieds to be on a panel where any question can be asked with an honest answer. You might have to come up with your own questions at first, but if you have this activity repeated at various times in the year, maybe focusing on various topics, with various couples on your panel, people may loosen up enough to ask really good questions. 9.2.1 QrAwJ%!Ys$]u]2E\ L E3&t9U `gu]30&Ig3s/jA;9*q-,8dDeG }6d|)/l`]qr!/ It can be shared by appropriate others depending on each situation. 3) Invite Sisters To Teach Or Demo their hobbies or talents. While it is important to stay informed, try to limit the time that you spend online or social media if you're finding it making you more, Anticipate that there will be a range in the levels of awareness and concern with your family and friends, and know that you may also sometimes encounter. 0000027229 00000 n