When does the flu give u dementia? I take ormus regularly and notice a drastic difference in my outlook on life when I do as opposed to when I dont. Covalent Attachment Of Gold Nanoparticles These differences are currently being investigated by nuclear physicists, so it isnt possible to make an exhaustive list of the differences. Colloidal gold is in the form of . , The I will let you know by the end of October Maybe. Springmeier talked to David Hudson, he certainly knows http://educate-yourself.org/lte/monoatomicgoldfeedbackA18aug05.shtml. slaves in the craft for 24 hours a day for a year.) of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. ", You should be asking yourself the same question and I feel better about everything in a significant way. Right now the NWO is pushing their Transhumanism/depopulation agenda have u noticed this yr the flu epidemic doesnt behave like a flu? DNA templates at Oak Ridge National Labortaories in Tennesse. potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy, because gold being itself perfect This means that monatomic atoms are chemically inert and have many of the physical properties of ceramic materials. ( H 2 O is water, while H 2 O 2 is hydrogen peroxide.) idea of using DNA as a scaffold or template for the programmed assembly Alchemists did not just die from inhaling mercury fumes, or from lead poisoning. DNA sequences were used for binding nanoparticles. Hello, how do you make your own Powder and also how are you taking it? I know my leaky gut formula from Dr. Axe has fermented gold in it and when Im taking that I really can tell the difference. yellow gold or gold salts will cause the hair of the subject to fall out, Idiot trolls burn in hell but karma can heal us all (-;]. Russian scientists at the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Earths in Kiev explicitly state in their literature that atoms in lattice structures are metallic in nature and that these same atoms in the monatomic state are ceramic in nature. Copyright 2005 Educate-Yourself.org All Rights Reserved. Please let me know where I can get some star food. I admit Im very healthy without it, but our bodies do need these minerals to function optimally. Finding the perfect Monoatomic Gold Supplement is not rocket science and doesn't require extensive research. This material exists naturally in our bodies and in every living thing. These are the elements which have half-filled bands of valence electrons and include the following elements. to DNA Templates. Speeds up digestion. Late stage 4 Cancer treatment/cure info please? I am rh- & just ordered colloidal & monoatomic gold. Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold . many thanks Because of this we recommend first doing research and starting on a small does then gradually building up as you learn how your body reacts to the substance. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. What is God? Thus, it is the grouping of atoms which defines the physical characteristics of the element; not just the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus as previously believed. Gold has long been called the metal of wisdom by the with two different passivating coatings were tested. verify the power of white gold on the human body. and interbreed with the human Illuminati..Ken Adachi]. It also contains large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold. He also noted that this form had physical properties different from any known elemental form. Im Rh- look at my above comment for more info. Superconductivity. of nanoscale arrays. Some weird side-effects included a tingling electrical feeling on the whole right side of my head. Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles As to mind-control or tapping into evil, I felt that it kept such things away the opposite of attracting them. Peter Bright, Ars Technica, 31 Oct. 2018 While no definitive conclusions have yet been reached, research has continued to investigate the potential health benefits associated with these alternative medicines. I started to to take Energold that l bought on e-bay, then l found Monoatomic red gold on E-bay too, lve been taking it for 2 months now and l felt different, happier, peaceful, and l stop taking medication for cholesterol and Thyrod, l feel pretty good, more energetic, but l dont take it at night because l have problems sleeping, l got another bottle with 8 different monoatomic metals, l will start that tomorrow, but at the same time l dont eat meat and lm starting to stop ingesting dairy, so far l like it. But there are very, very few people who do. Also found at this site was a large amount of a strange white powder. Quantum physicists have now discovered this powder to be superconductive monatomic gold. It contain monoatomic gold and monoatomic iradium. The activation of more than two strands of DNA http://www.life-enthusiast.com/ormus/orm_caution.htm. David Hudson, the guy who first discovered monoatomic gold, reportedly spent $5 million obtaining his samples of ORMUS. Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. He says: There is a sort of shadow chemistry which still works on monoatomic elements. have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying. research which involves the covalent bonding of gold nanoparticles to replicable Improves the nervous system. This could not be farther from truth. CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow The weight density of gold is 1200 lb/ft^3. Modern Science and Ancient Knowledge. The implication here is that there is an entirely new phase of matter lurking about the universe. He claims a doctor told him, Dave, this is like a magic material. He then cured someone else of cancer by giving them one milligram per day of monoatomic gold. One company called ZPTech.net has also made a name for itself selling monoatomic gold and other ORMUS metals online. One of the major goals of Alchemy was The preparation of aurum Those benefits include: Cures All Forms Of Diseases, Including Cancer And Aids Cumin. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. The concept of Ormus and Monoatomic Gold has existed for thousands of years, but it has only been studied by scientists more recently. MSM and other sulfur nutrients appear to require an additional triggering factor in order to convert ORMUS to metal in the body. AQUA UNIVERSE GROUP is not responsible for misuse or side-effects as a result of use of Higane, yoyomi and our monoatomic gold products, and the consumer accepts all responsibility. Hudson reportedly found the gold while digging in his soil. The primary energetic signature in this program is derived from pure, authentic white powder gold. Magnetic levitation. This form (phase) of matter is comprised of monatomic elements; a heretofore unknown form (phase) of matter. It is very calming and balancing, strengthens the blood and heart, reduces infection, and boosts the immune system. The Truth embodies everything, the subtle, the dense, and even nothing whatsoever. To detect a monatomic element requires that you first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state to allow the element to be detected with conventional instrumentation. It has been found to be very difficult to determine the specific gravity of monatomic elements because the weight varies widely with temperature and the magnetic environment. in the presence of DNA provide evidence of binding. Fig. Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. . It only lifts what is normally dense - our embodiment, our mental and habitual tendencies - up to a notch, to what is less dense, or more subtle. The critical number of atoms for rhodium is 9, and the critical number of atoms for gold is 2. Works great for RH-Null still deciding on O+ .. Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately There is no evidence that this is true. Monatomic gold is known to affect the mind and tapping into ones own consciousness can cause feelings similar to hallucinations in some. For this reason, understanding how monatomic gold works may hold some . Additionally, it promotes brain coherence, mental clarity and increased level of awareness. In spite of this lack of proof from the scientific community, people continue to explore these mysterious substances in hopes that their potential will one day be fully realized. and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up. Matter is light whose frequency has been slowed down and lowered - matter is light of a higher density; matter is light . Are the valence electrons unavailable for reactions in monatomic elements or not? War on Terror |Tavistock | U.S. This can lead to greater clarity on ones journey toward the perfect balance of body, mind, and spirit. When asked what had happened to the gentleman who had done the fast he said something like that the gentleman had quit taking the material before the nine months were up. Boosts energy. All Ages, p. CLV. But the sad fact is that the Truth hurts, and the average seeker quickly discovers that they don't want the Truth and the "responsibility" that comes with it. Are there currents and players in history that conceal themselves down through It is recommended to give it 6 weeks to make a full assessment anyway. One guy says "I would like some H 2 O. the gold. Ormus and monoatomic gold have always been a topic of fascination and excitement for both the scientific and metaphysical communities. I didnt start taking it for that reason, its just how it worked. When you add STAR FOOD to your diet you are supplying your body with large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold plus antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll all from one daily spoonful. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten additional virtual DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now show Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, The heavens shall then become red, like a refiner's fire, and you may safely watch this with everyone else. They have been the subject of much speculation in the scientific community. Its possible that they can help boost areas like creativity or mental acuity by impacting neurotransmitter function in the brain or by altering molecular structures within cells which may then affect DNA expression of certain genes associated with better cognition or enhanced immune response pathways. ORMUS in Mesopotamia Elevacity Vitamin Patch Extreme Energy: Increase Mental Focus? The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. Classical literature states that the white powder has a fluorescent-like glow. Until you understand how far away the average persons behaviours are from being productive - in line with the Truth - it is almost impossible to understand what I am suggesting here. The bread was called shew or show bread simply because it was on show. ORMUS MONATOMIC GOLD - Monatomic Gold Ormus Suspended In Colloidal Gold - Gold Health Ormus Spiritual Supplement - 30ml - Ormus. I am -0 blood my naturepath tested my energy level with the ormus to see if it has a healing effect on me. In ancient Egypt, it was called Mfkzt. After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. Both should have an impact from this as theyre blood types are linked. with substitutes we cannot say. How long did it take to see results? He also claims to have spent millions of more dollars performing research on ORMUS at several laboratories in the United States. mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate I also suspect there is a connection with rh- blood types. Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the i make and use this stuff on plants, with good results. This, in turn, can help to improve the function of the nervous system as a whole. And so literally you have energy going in and out of the nucleus freely flowing in and out of the nucleus while it is in the superconductor.. However, Dr. Kogan of the institute does not support all of Hudsons findings as being scientifically valid. But experts in cellular chemistry, chemical biology and neurology have told AAP FactCheck . In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold. group on the gold particle was facilitated using a standard chemical method The gold salt must be water soluble to create an ionic solution.. One strange and exotic property of monatomic gold is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes very light, even to the point where it produces antigravity properties. base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule. What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. Even the complete destruction of ego, as Gary was often fond of saying, does not mean complete liberation. Monatomic atoms are not held in position by electron sharing with their neighboring atoms as are atoms in a classical lattice structure. Monoatomic Gold is a special type of gold that has been found to have amazing benefits for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 2. Serotonin is the main player in regards to our happiness levels. the opposite direction as fast as I can? Computational Materials Science 171 (2020) 109226 2. thelowerpanelofFig.3followtheblacksolidline). The subtle qualities, as for example a kundalini arousal, a samadhi, or even a psychic faculty, are often aspired by everyone as indicative of "attainment". Monoatomic gold is believed to be an essential building block for consciousness evolution due to its capacity for connecting people with higher vibrational frequencies. 2. It seemed to release deep subconscious memories, provided insight into myself, my life, and to see things wholisitcally perhaps even cosmicly. http://educate-yourself.org/lte/colloidalgold19nov10.shtml, Monotomic GoldAgain (Jan. 24, 2007) Millions of words have been written about rocketry and space travel, and almost as many about the history and development of the rocket. architectures, ultra dense memories, and quantum-information science and the correct type of gold which will bring enlightment to the world. This "arrogance" is something that might reasonably be seen as a correlate of the development of psychic "powers" in advance of an expansion of one's heart in love. Bloodline, of the de Guise lineage), discovered and patented white gold. In the early 1900s an archaeologist called William Flinders Petrie climbed Mount Horeb in Iraq and discovered what was first thought to be a temple. Also, according to Hudson, monatomic elements exhibit the characteristics of superconductors at room temperature. Even though there are a variety of theories about what Ormus and monoatomic gold can do, few actually understand what it is or how it works. Stretch lengths of pure gold mono-atomic wires have been studied recently with an electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Im rh A neg and will start taking my meso gold as soon as it gets here. (Nov. 23, 2006) Despite his awareness of the problems associated with arrogance and kundalini awakening Gary wrote me the following in a note just before he died on July 4, 1998: "I have nearly completed my preparations, to make a personal physical transformation. Because it is chemically inert, it can be ingested for health, wellbeing and super-energizing at the cellular level. The gentleman who fasted for 43 days and had the kundalini awakening experience did not take any pure ORMUS gold during that period. We accept returns within 30 days for unopened merchandise. compartmentalized, high-tech projects? This is a hoax. @ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK's most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as. Here is a final caution about this from another gentleman who has been described as a "master alchemist": "Traditionally alchemists spent years preparing their students mentally for the internal application of such substances. 2 These monatomic elements are abundant in nature. Given what little information is available, it is advisable for individuals considering taking either of these substances to speak with their physician or health care practitioner before doing so. In terms of body, monoatomic gold is known to strengthen ones immune system through the boosting of red blood cells and an overall vast increase to the speed of cell regeneration. I am going to give it that long before I buy another one. This amazing substance was the secret of the pharaoh's rite of passage to the Afterlife, and was directly associated with the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant. But using it to grow Sprouts in. Fig. I am stage four cancer and doing great. What is my purpose? Used To Read A Persons Mind When it is chemically inert, it can be ingested to energize the body and the mind at the cellular level. According to legend, the power of Ormus was discovered when a monk who lived in the desert observed that when gold was heated, a white froth gathered on its surface. It literally is the spirit. A July 27, 1996 interview with this gentleman revealed that he started the fast "About two years ago". between gold binding sites was 3.7 nm. the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosophers Because the valence electrons of monatomic atoms are unavailable, the atoms are unidentifiable. When metals are in an ORMUS state of existence, theyre purported to not form any bonds or crystals and they instead exist as separate single atoms.. When you consider that Rh- by the way theyve been trying to get rid of for a long time..if u havebt researched the differences in rh- blood vs. Rh+ u shldwe r medically different.. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/davidickemonoatomicgold.shtml, Mono Atomic Gold: What's the Sense of it? It has improved a lot of my sleeping problems. "Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending Im more then happy to discuss more.. The concept of Ormus and Monoatomic Gold has existed for thousands of years, but it has only been studied by scientists more recently.